Chapter 19

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"Any time now, he will come here and die," he said with a sick look on his face.

What happened to you, Rocky? You were psychopath all along?

"If I get out of here, I will surely kill you," I growled under my breath. I'm getting even more weaker, I haven't drank blood yet. He just scoffed and cupped my face.

"I'm the one who's killing someone and that's Min Yoongi," he said and let go of my face vigorously. I cursed at him but he just laughed at me.

I looked down as tears flowed out of my eyes.

Min Yoongi, whatever you do, don't die. I'm begging you.

Yoongi's POV

I ran past the village. I don't care about these people looking at me, I need to save Hyeon-Ju. That asshole, I knew that he's bad news.

I saw the castle so I entered it, I ran so fast that the others are still entering the village. The barricade was already down so I got in easily. I saw Hyeon-Ju tied up in a chair with a cloth on her mouth.

She saw me and shook her head fast. She was saying something but the cloth was covering her mouth, making her words inaudible. I looked around and sighed. He's not here.

I walked to her and took the cloth off her mouth.

"Why did you come closer?!" She screamed at me. She looked behind me and kicked me to the side. I looked at her confused but she was just glaring at someone. I followed her gaze and saw Rocky giving me a scary serious look. His eyes were blood red and his fangs were visible. There's a vein showing by his temple, he's really mad.

I stood up and clenched my fist. The person standing in front of me can kill me in a second but I will do anything just to save her, the love of my life. I have to make up for the mistake I've done four years ago.

"My oh my, the mate has fallen into my trap," he said with that annoying but terrifying demonic voice. He smirked but his eyes were saying something. His eyes showed rage, he has a murderous look but he smirked like a playful guy.


"Stay away from Hyeon-Ju," I bravely said, clenching my fist even more tighter. He gave me an amused smile. Just then his expression changed, it was bright and he was even grinning.

"How lovely, a man sacrificing his life for his love," he said with a bright smile but instantly he gave me a deadly look and disappeared from thin air. I was stunned but I looked around when I felt a cold chilling breath on the side of my neck.

"Looking for me?" He said and punched me on my side. I grunted as I flew to the wall. I coughed and I felt a warm liquid flowing from one of my nostrils. I touched it and saw blood on my fingers.

I looked back up and saw Rocky with the same amused grin. Fucking asshole. I looked at Hyeon-Ju, she was screaming her lungs out, struggling to get out of the tight knot on her wrists. I looked back at Rocky and he was already running to me. I widened my eyes and left the spot I was in.

Thank god I have quick reflexes.

I rolled out of my spot and stood up quickly. Rocky was chuckling and look at me again with that murderous stare.

"You're quick but I'm faster," he said and quickly grabbed my collar. I was caught off-guard so I couldn't avoid it.

"It's been a great time but it's time to die," he said as he was about kill me but someone threw something on his head. Rocky let go of me to look behind him.

"Shit I hit the vampire!" A familiar voice shouted. I looked behind the asshole and saw the boys panting while Hoseok was shaking. Maybe he's the one who threw the rock.

When he was distracted, I kicked him on his stomach which made him fell to the floor. He looked at me and gave me a dead in the eye look. I shivered because that look was so cold.

"You brought company," he said as he laughed in a maniacal way then suddenly he disappeared again in thin air. Everyone was surprised but I told them to not let their guard down.

"You know, you guys are such a nuisance," a chilling voice said. I turned around and saw him with a serious look. He walked closer to us and the guys tried to stop him but he was just too strong.

Jimin ran to him and tried to kick him but Rocky effortlessly pushed him away. Jimin hit his head on the arm of a couch causing him to black out. Then both Jungkook and Taehyung came from behind him, running to him but he drop down to the ground and extended his leg and swipe it to trip both of the boys. They fell, back first, hurting them a lot that they can't stand up.

Rocky is not playing around anymore. He's here to kill me but I can't let the others get hurt anymore but Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok head to him to stop him. I raised my hand and told them to stop but I was too late. He easily took the three of them down then he looked at me.

"Looks like it's just you."

He ran with speed but I quickly dodged him and kicked his back causing him to lose his balance but he quickly recovered and faced me. He swung his arm to scratch my face with his long and sharp nails but I blocked it using my arm. The impact was so strong that I think my arm just broke. I backed away holding my left arm while glaring at him.

You can't kill me easily.

I ran, using the speed I got and pounced at him. Making him fall to the floor with me on top of him. I put my right arm right to his neck to strangle him.

He coughed and gasped for air. He suddenly laughed and looked at me with a crazy look.

"Time to say goodbye."


Just then it was like slow motion, a gun blew off to my stomach. My eyes were wide as I put a hand at where he shot me at. My hand was filled with blood. I looked at him and he was smirking.

The pain is so unbearable.

I got off him and stood up. My vision is getting blurry, I feel my self getting heavy. I'm losing too much blood. I coughed, blood coming out of my mouth.

"YOONGI!!" I heard her cry my name but I couldn't see her well. I stretched out my hand to her but I fell to the floor. My eyelids are getting heavy.

No! I'm dying.

I couldn't save Hyeon-Ju. Well I deserve this, I I don't deserve her but she will be in the hands of this demon, Min-Hyuk.

I'm sorry, my love. Goodbye...

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