Chapter 16

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Yoongi's POV

I stood there while the others were sitting down on a bench. I waited for the two to come but it looks like they are taking their time talking.

"Don't worry, she will come back," Jin said trying to reassure me but I was still impatient. What could they be doing this long?

"Trust her Hyung, she won't do anything like what you are thinking. You're her mate anyways so why would she do that?" Jungkook said, talking sense into me. Well, he does have a point.

The two arrived but I saw Hyeon-Ju smiling at Rocky while looking at something that looks like a picture. There's something in me that got irritated by how close they are and she is smiling so big at him. I glared at the guy named Rocky.

Hyeon-Ju looked up and smirked at me. I raised an eyebrow.  Why is she smirking at me like that?

'Ya'know, you look so cute when you get jealous.' Someone said on my mind. I got surprised but when I realized that it was Hyeon-Ju's voice I looked at her. She was covering her mouth while laughing.

I looked away and blushed a little then I turned around.

"Let's go," I said to the boys as I walked away.

"Oi, I have to find my castle," Hyeon-Ju said walking to my side. I looked at her confused.

"Isn't that supposed to be broken? It's been a hundred years."

"No, it's not, the structure is built with special components that can withstand any damage and old age," Rocky explained that made me shock. So it has been standing for so long?

What made Hyeon-Ju forgot where it is?

"I decided to forget it because I had a bad past there," she said with her captivating brown eyes darkening. She's still had not moved on despite a hundred years had past. I don't blame her, it's heartbreaking when your family is gone.

"I think I remember where it is, I can lead you there!" Rocky grinned at Hyeon-Ju as he grabbed her arm. Me and the boys just followed them. I followed them with Jungkook by side.

"I don't like him," Jungkook said, crossing his arms. I looked at him tilting my head.

"He gives me a bad vibe," he continued and walked towards to Jimin and Taehyung. I furrowed my brows confused on what he was saying. Well, the feeling is mutual to me. I don't like him because he's always sticking to Hyeon-Ju.

But what can I do? He has known her for almost a hundred years, I just know her for a few years and I don't know much about her. He seems like a good guy too, I'm probably overreacting.

We continued walking, following Min-Hyuk's lead. We arrived to a village, people seemed to be alerted when we got there. They started entering their houses and some were peeking in the window. I walked to Hyeon-Ju's side.

"What's wrong with the people here?" I looked at one person and they quickly ran inside to their home. I looked at them confused as we continued on walking.

"People here are afraid of newcomers, ever since the vampire hunters attacked my family they have been afraid of new people," she said and she looked at me. "Just ignore them and they won't mind you."

I nodded and continued walking into the woods. As we walked deeper in the woods, we arrived at a tall castle. It was clearly old but it looks strong. I remembered what Min-Hyuk said and I believe him. This castle is one unique castle.

I looked at Hyeon-Ju and she looks nervous. Probably because this is the first time she got here after her family died. I feel so bad for her. I swore to be the best of her and I will never be an asshole again.

We entered it once Rocky opened the barricade. The interior was regal, clearly a hundred years old. There were cobwebs everywhere and some of the furniture has a white cloth on it. Then there was a huge painting of the family.

They were a family of four. All of their eyes are red and Hyeon-Ju was wearing a regal dress. I looked back at her and she was just looking at the painting, thinking of something. She then looked at me and smiled. It was a broken smile, she still misses them.

I hold out my arms, inviting her to hug me. She understood what I meant and hugged me tightly. I caressed the back of her head as I looked at the picture. His brother looked like her, so sad that he died with his parents.

I looked around and my eyes landed on Rocky. He was just looking at us with an emotionless expression with his arms folded. Vampires sure can be emotionless sometimes.

Hyeon-Ju pulled away from the hug and I gave her a sincere smile. She smiled back and walked to the grand staircase. She laid her hand on the railing and sighed.

"This brings back memories, I feel so nostalgic, " she said and looked back at us with a smile.

"Are you going to live here now?" Jimin asked looking around with awe written all over his face. Hyeon-Ju thought for a while and shrugged.

"Maybe I will go back to Korea, I just stayed here in UK because I wanted to find this place," she said as she sat down on the stairs.

"Why go back when you can stay here?" Rocky said while giving her a grin. I clenched my fist.

She can decide on her own, she doesn't need him.

Hyeon-Ju looked at him and shooked her head. "I don't want to stay here, even if it gives me nostalgia. I have to return to Korea with these boys," she explained while giving us a smile.

Rocky nodded and smiled. Obviously, he was displeased but he knows his place so he shut up. He looked up to me and his eyes flashed red then he smirked. I just glared at him and looked away.

There's really something about him that is making me hate him.

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