Gladiator: part 1

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(Youtube version)

3rd person POV:

Ciri the hero of Terra, and her companions entered Taurus city of the Orion empire.

The city mostly used white stone bricks in its construction for building. Wood seems to be used only for homes for the people in the city.

For the commercial buildings, they were put into several large buildings that were made from complete white stone that had many patterns edged into them. With pillars at the entrance, the resources of what these buildings hold are signified by the type of status in front of these buildings.

The group had been to this city once before on their adventures to defeat the demon lord. When they were last here, they revealed a scandal about the city's mayor like figure.

As the group of heroes looked around the city, they noticed flyers scattered all around the city.

Eventually, Ferra grabbed one out of curiosity. Once she read it, she showed it to the others.

The rest of the group become shocked at the flyer they read.

(Opening theme)

Ciri: What's this?!

Surprise at the flier she just read, she couldn't help revealing her surprise audibly.

Baron began reading out loud the flier to make sure he read it correctly.

Baron: "The battle for a wish: a week-long tournament where all are allowed to enter. Whoever is the champion at the end of the week, shall be given whatever they want"

He then goes on to read the small text in the corner that explained the reward part being "whatever you want, within the power of the city".

Ciri: Why is this a thing?

Ferra: Maybe they want to fight? I get the feeling.

Ashann: The city's leader is probably doing this to better their image. After that scandal we revealed, she most likely desperate to make everyone forget with this crazy idea.

Ferra: Should we check out this tournament? Maybe enter...?

Ferra starts to shadow box out of excitement.

Ferra: We win the prize for our selves, have them make an orphanage or something.

Baron: I seriously doubt they'll let us take part.

Ciri: Yeah...

Ciri rubs her head.

Ciri: I guess we could check it out. If it's a tournament to the death, we're going to want to stop it.

Ferra: Sweet! I hope they have some good fighters... And that they don't kill each other, that's important also.

Ciri: It's settled I guess.

The group then headed towards the arena that resided in the middle of the city. It was round in shape, with a design similar to ancient Roman stadiums.

Wearing cloaks to make it harder for anyone to recognize them, they got into the arena with relative ease.

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