What a angel: part 2

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3rd person POV:

Marching east, (Y/n) began thinking whether or not the priest saw an angel.

(Y/n):(mind) Without a proper reason, I don't see a hybrid being what I'm looking for.

(Y/n):(mind) Maybe a harpy or some other feather winged monster, but why didn't it attack the priest?

(Y/n):(mind) If he did actually see an angel that not only makes some sort of sense with my perspective but also raises questions.

(Y/n): Maybe this angel is what helped me last night?

Thinking about last night reminded him of his feeling of being watched.

He walked deep into the forest. He spun around to see if there was anyone near him. With no one around, he took a deep breath and shouted.


(Y/n):... Nothing?

(Y/n): Maybe if I piss them off?

(Y/n): OH, LOOK! AN EIGHT-YEAR-OLD BOY ALL ALONE- wait, that's priests...

(Y/n): What do angels like? Hold on. If my mom was god's daughter... Then that makes me half... something...

(Y/n): Half angel? But I have a demon form. Ugh, stupid fucking memory!

(Y/n): Remember...

He attempts to remember his past however his memory is as foggy as always.

(Y/n): Celestial...? Note to self, ask gramps what race you are.

(Opening theme)

Walking deeper into the forest, he began whistling for the angel.

(Y/n): Here angel angel angel! (Whistles)

(Y/n): Come on! I have a treat for you! I promise it's not my fist repeatedly smashing into your face for making me do this shit!

Continuing to wander around in the forest, he attempted a stealthier approach.

Climbing atop a tree, he stood perfectly still and listened for all the sounds in the area using magic to enhance his hearing.

He heard many things, from the wind blowing through the trees to the movement of animals.

As the wind died down for a short moment, he was able to hear more things. Birds chirped, bears scratching there backs, and a few minor demons scurrying around.

A thought then occurred to (Y/n). If this "angel" was the one who helped him last night and was the one giving him the feeling that he was being watched, then It could mean that they know what he was trying to do.

He began comparing this situation to two hunters trying to hunt one another, but one of the hunters got ahead start. He was now forced to play catch up with someone that was several steps ahead of him. (Y/n) needed to make them slip up.

Whoever they were, they probably didn't think of this situation as a hunt, like (Y/n), right?

(Y/n) didn't know. All he did know, was he needed one little mistake from them to find them. No longer did (Y/n) think of this as a job but as a hunt.

Trying to act as genuine as possible, he said...

(Y/n): Maybe I should give up...?

As he said that, he listened closely, and to his luck, he heard something. He heard a sigh.

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