(Lore: 1) The beginning of everything

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Unknown narrator:

Like everything, it all started with nothing until suddenly there was everything.

Messy start, but that's how it went.

The universe, the stars, the moon the planet, and all life were created by God, an all-powerful being that existed before everything.

After the universe, God created his children, the Celestials or Arch Angels as they are referred to by mortals.

These children of his aided him in his endeavors.

But as god created the realm known as hell, one of his children, Lucifer, rebelled.

However, in the end, she failed, and as a punishment was sent down to hell to govern over it.

Some people believe that God had an equal, or what we would call a wife. The majority of the species known as Hybrids that live on their native island worship this Goddess. However, no mortal knows if this is true. Only God and his children could tell us the truth.

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