Team work makes the devil work: part 2

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3rd person POV:

Heading towards the village to the north, (Y/n) was interrupted by Ciri and her companions on their carriage, which was being pulled by two steeds.

(Y/n): What do you four want?

Ciri: We wanted to offer you a ride.

Ashann: I actually want a good book to read.

Ferre: Oh-oh! I want beer!

Ciri: (awkward chuckle)


Baron: Time is of the essence if we want to save the girl and the rest of the people.

(Y/n): I might get a bonus if I bring all the people alive. Fine, I'll take your offer.

He hops onto the carriage.

(Y/n): Get a move on.

Ciri: (sarcastically) Would you like me to get you something to eat while I'm at it?

(Y/n): A book and beer so I can rub it in those two's faces.

(Opening theme)

Arriving at the village, (Y/n) immediately jumped off the carriage.

(Y/n): Thanks for the ride.

He then flips a silver coin towards Ciri who caught it.

Ciri: What's this?

(Y/n): Payment for your services. 4 out of 10, wouldn't do it again.

Instead of heading to the mountain, (Y/n) walked into the village.

Ciri: Ugh...

Ciri then jumped off her carriage and went after (Y/n), her companions followed her.

Ciri: You do realize we are going to stop that demon too?

(Y/n): I don't care, do whatever you want just leave me alone.

Ciri: We could work together, you know? With your knowledge of demons, we could easily save them.

(Y/n): I see what's happening here... You four want a cut from my reward, huh?

Ferra: Not really. We're kinda rich with all the jobs we've done.

(Y/n):... Good for you.

Spotting what looks like an old guard, (Y/n) walks up to them.

(Y/n): Hey, guard.

Guard: Yes?

(Y/n): I'm an expert on demons here to get rid of your problem with this demon.

Guard: Really?

The guard then sees and recognized Ciri and the others.

Guard: You four are-

He tries to walk up to them but was pulled back by (Y/n) who seemed extremely annoyed.

(Y/n): You can talk to those losers later. Tell me where the demon was spotted on the mountain.

Ciri: We wish to help get rid of the demon and save your people before it's too late.

Guard: Okay. The demon was sighted near an old cult house high on the mountain.

Ashann: Cult house?

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