Battle of pride: part 2

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3rd person POV:

Meanwhile with (Y/n) and Ciri.

Inside the throne room, they saw the homemade demon lord sitting on a throne.

Demon lord ß: So the power couple arrives...

(Y/n): I will mount your head in a brothel so they can use it as a cock sucking tool!

Ciri: I prefer if we just kill this evil demon and allow him to rot in hell.

Demon lord ß then raises up and beings to float into the air.

Demon lord ß: Try what you will, fools, I am beyond you!

He then created several blue blade constructs, which were (Y/n)'s signature technique as Demon lord.

Ciri: Impressive... If you were the only one able to do that.

Ciri pulled out her legendary sword and used its ability to create several purple blade constructs as she did during the "final battle" with (Y/n) as the demon lord.

(Y/n):(mind) Damn copy cats... Get your own technique!

Pulling out his normal sword, (Y/n) used his magic to enchant the blade so it would be useful.

(Y/n): Enough of this waiting around, it's time to fight.

(Opening theme)

(Battle theme)

The ex-demon lord and the hero rushed towards this blue demon lord.

Demon lord ß then began using his sword constructs to fire demonic magic beams at the two.

Ciri used her sword constructs to block the beams, allowing the two to get closer.

Ciri and the Demon lord ß's sword constructs began flying all over the room, clashing.

(Y/n) then fired his crossbow that he momentarily enchanted with a holy aspect.

The bolt caused Demon lord ß to swing to the side to avoid the bolt.

(Y/n):(mind) Lame, I would have taken that attack head one like a boss!

Ciri took this moment to enhance her jumping ability and hop towards Demon lord ß.

She slashed his shoulder before being swatted away.

As that was going on, (Y/n) snuck behind his blue counterpart.

Casting the good old spell, know as fireball, he got a direct hit on his back. With that hit, demon lord ß fell to the ground.

(Y/n) didn't have much time to celebrate as all the blue construct blades began targeting him.

As he dodged and deflect those attacks, Ciri went after the blue demon lord.

Demon lord ß then summon a sword and began clashing with Ciri.

Sparks flew each time the swords smatched into each other.

Using her sword's ability to enhance her physical attributes, Ciri was able to match Demon lord ß own physical prowess.

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