Recalling the pain of the past: part 2

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3rd person POV:

Duloc brought the group to her home, which also served as some kind of museum of the past with extremely old objects from past decorating the rooms.

(Y/n): A museum...?

(Y/n): Didn't know you were that old.

Duloc: Yes, I'm old, now let's move on from that.

Ciri: Duloc, what did I do wrong?

Duloc: Well first off you ran away before you completed your training.

She then looked at a wall with an assortment of cains and took one. She then used that cane to smack Ciri in the shin.

Ciri: Ah! Ow!

Duloc: Secondly, you killed the demon lord.

Ferra: How is that a bad thing?

Duloc: She was supposed to defeat him, not kill him!

Duloc: Now shut up, let me talk and maybe that sponge between your ears will absorb some knowledge.

Duloc: Listen here, "hero". I kept track of your adventures.

Ciri: You have? How?

Duloc: When you get as old as me, you get ears everywhere.

Ciri:(mumbles) When I get as old as you, I'll be dust... Ow!

Duloc smacked her again.

Duloc: I also heard the stories about how you "always" believe it is good in every soul. I guess the demon lord was the exception.

(Y/n) leans against a support beam.

Ciri: He was the exception.

Duloc:(sigh) If you had stayed one day, you would have learned the truth about the demon lord.

Ciri: The truth?

Duloc: Yeah, like how he came to be, how that sword you're using was once his.

Ciri: What?

Duloc: Excel used to be known as Cel back when he used it.

Duloc: It had the ability to absorb magic and transfer it to its wielder. But unlike how it is now, back then there was no limit.

Duloc: In the prophecy, which you would have seen for yourself if you stayed... Said that "the source that corrupted to purify its mistake ".

Duloc: But instead you just killed him.

Ciri: I get it, I apparently screwed up, but how?

Duloc: You are a terrible listener. Then let me finally complete your telling you the story of (Y/n) Loyd, the son of Lucifer.

Ciri: (Y/n)?!

Everyone then looks at (Y/n).

(Y/n):.... Tch.

(Y/n):(sarcastically) Oh wow, two people sharing the same name? That's totally impossible! We must be the same person, including everyone else named (Y/n).

Duloc: Hey, are you going to listen to what I have to say or not!?

Everyone's attention was now back on Duloc.

Duloc: Finally, let's begin...

As she explained the events that turned (Y/n) into the Demon Lord, his memories became much clearer. Like a fog lifting to reveal the wall, you are about to run into.


(Y/n) Loyd, an eighteen-year-old young adult man, who's gone on many adventures like his father.

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