Team work makes the devil work: part 1

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3rd person POV:

Deep in the forest was a beast, with claws sharp enough to leave a mark on stone, and a personality so vicious it was a threat to the safety of a nearby village.

This beast was called the Raptoy.

This beast was called the Raptoy

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A beast so dangerous could of course only be defeated by a great hero.

Luckily for the village, Ciri the hero of Terra and her companions arrived on the scene to help out.

Ciri: Heya!

The great hero slashed at the Raptoy's face as it tried to take a bite out of her. Her attack caused this vicious beast to reel back.

Raptoy:(scream of pain)

Ciri: Look on the bright side! You don't have to worry about a scar when you're dead.

The Raptoy spun around to smack Ciri with its tail, however, she side flipped over the tail.

Angered by its failed attack, it once again tries to snap its jaw at Ciri, but was stopped when Baron fired an arrow into its eye.

Ciri: Thanks, Baron!

Baron: No problem!

Ciri: Ferra!

Ferra: My turn~!

Ferra then runs up to Ciri who crouches down, Ferra then steps on her shoulder, Ciri then immediately stood up to help launch Ferra upward towards the beast.

Ferra lands on the nose of the beast then proceeds to run down the back of the Raptoy. Ferra then slides down the tail and grabs the tip of it when she makes it down.

Ferra then tugged on the tail, with tremendous force that pulled the Raptoy back.

Ferra: Oh Ashann~!

Several tree roots burst out of the ground, wrapping themselves around the Raptoy, attempting to restraining it. The beast nevertheless fought against the restraints.

Baron and Ferra then both ran between the beast's legs. Baron from front to back and vise versa with Ferra.

Baron fired many arrows at the pressure points of the beast, which weren't strong enough to do anything, but their purpose was actually to show Ferra where to strike.

With a few mighty punches from Ferra, the Raptoy's legs shook before giving into the strength of the magical restraints that caused it to fall to the ground, not before Baron and Ferra got out from under it.

Ashann: Ciri, if you would.

Ciri: With pleasure!

Using her magic sword, she hopped into the air, spin flipping around to add dramatic effect, she stabbed her sword through the skull of the Raptoy as she landed, killing it instantly.

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