Hungry love

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3rd person POV:

The seven sins were flying over the land with there homemade Demon lord.

Gluttony: He's following us.

Demon lord ß: Who?

Pride: Nothing that you should be concerned with.

Pride: Gluttony, Lust. This area is large enough. Go scout it out, the rest of us will land on that large plateau in the distance.

Lust: Very well, let us leave Gluttony.

Gluttony: Wait, what should we do if we come across him?

Pride: Try not to. But if you do, try to make him go away. Use force if you must.

Gluttony: Okay, but can I eat a little bit of him?

Wrath: What do you think, dumbass?!

Gluttony; Yes?


Lust: Let's leave, before he changes his mind.

Lust and Gluttony fly down towards a plain opening in the middle of a birch tree forest.

(Opening theme)

(Y/n), Ciri and her companions were riding along a dirt path towards the direction the sins were heading to. With the ability to track one of them thanks to (Y/n), it made them more certain that they will catch them.

Ciri: What does elite demon mean?

(Y/n): Seriously? I have to explain elite to you?

Ciri: No, you ass. I want to know why they're called that. We've faced some before, but how are they elite?

(Y/n): From what I remember, the demons that closely work with leaders of hell are considered elite by the others.

Ashann: So these are the Demon Lords servants?

Baron: But didn't they say he trapped them in hell? Why would he do that to his own servants?

Ciri; The demon lord was a deranged demon. Who knows what went through the mind of that insane fool.

(Y/n):(mind) Oh yeah? Well, I think you have a big ass, so maybe lay off the sweets, sugar hero.

(Y/n): It doesn't matter who they served, they've gone rogue and are acting on their own merit.

Ferra: Hey, look!

Ferra then points towards two things in the distance flying towards the ground.

Ashann: It's two of the demons.

Ciri: Let's go after them before they cause any trouble.

Ciri then drives the carriage in the rough location where they saw the two demons land.

Hopping off the carriage the group gets ready to explore the forest in search of two of the sins.

(Y/n): Quick question, do any of you have a better sword than the one I have right now?

Baron: Sorry, we don't really have any spare gear like that anymore.

Ciri: What you have will have to do. I'll get you something better if the chance arises.

(Y/n):(sarcastically) Okay, sugar mama...

Ciri: Never call me that again.

(Y/n): No, I'm definitely going to call you that.

The DemonLord's attempted retirementWhere stories live. Discover now