(Epilogue): Life plan

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3rd person POV:

Three years have passed since (Y/n) and Ciri moved in together.

The years they spent together were happy ones.

The sins and Orcan were skeptical about the relationship at first, but they were also skeptical about Arthur and Lucifer's relationship.

Ciri's companions had often get-togethers. Since (Y/n) and Ciri's house was a little too small, they expanded it so they had more room for the guests.

The two's relationship only grew with time.

Currently, (Y/n) and Ciri were greeting their guest.

Opening their door, they see Ashann, Ferra, Baron, and his two children Vex and Vax.

Ciri: Hey everyone!

Ferra: Ciri!

Ferra hugs Ciri.

Ashann: It good to see you.

Baron: How have you two been getting along.

(Y/n): Neither one of us is dead, so... Good, I think.

Baron: Oh, I hope you don't mind that I brought my kids along.

Vex/Vax: Uncle!

(Y/n): Oh, god no...

The twins, lunge towards (Y/n), latching on to him by his clothes.

(Y/n): Children...

Vex: Did you miss us, uncle?

(Y/n): No, and stop calling me uncle!

Vax: Why?

(Y/n): Because I'm not your uncle!

Vax/Vex:... Pfffft, yes you are.

Vax: Silly uncle.

Vex: Did you get us anything?

(Y/n): Yes, it's down in the pits of hell, shall I throw you in?

Vex:(giggles) Your so funny uncle.

(Y/n): And you two are disgusting little creatures. Now get off!

Vex/Vax: Nah...

(Y/n): Baron, get your children off of me!

(Y/n): Baron?

Looking around he saw the four enter the kitchen.

(Y/n): Don't leave me with them!

(Y/n), thinking quickly, grabbed a nearby banana.

(Y/n): Look potassium!

He throws the banana

(Y/n): Fetch.

The children giggle and go after the banana, allowing the ex-Demon lord to escape into the kitchen where the heroes were catching up.

(Y/n): Don't leave me with those disgusting creatures. What are they called?

Ciri: Children.

(Y/n): Children... They're disgusting.

Baron: Weren't you one, once?

(Y/n): I was. It was horrible.

Ciri: Well you have nine months to get used to them.

Ashann: That's oddly specific...

Ferra: Why nine months?

With the biggest grin on her face, she reaches out for (Y/n), wanting him to get close.

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