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Beyonce POV

My Saturdays are mostly composed of me relaxing at home with Ryan but today, I'm at work. It really sucks but what makes it all worth it is that Ryan decided to come with me.

"Mommy?" I heard Ryan as he sat on my office couch busy with his phone.

"Yes my baby," I said shifting my gaze to him.

"Can I go use the bathroom? I really have go," he said.

I smiled at him. "You can go my baby. You still remember where the restrooms are right?" I asked and he nodded. "Go."

I watched him walk out of my office. I went back to my paperwork.

California is an amazing place but sometimes I just can't help but to be anxious. What if I meet someone from my past like Shawn? I'm not ready to face him.

Gwen and Staci on the other hand, I just want a couple of minutes with those bitches. If given a chance I'll gladly jump them for trying to kill me. Those bitches thought they've gotten rid of me but I'm still standing.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by my office door opening.

"That was quick," I said with my eyes still glued to what I was writing.

"What was quick?" I heard a masculine voice.

My face immediately lit up when I saw Eric walking into my office. I jumped out of my seat and went to hug him.

"Imma take it you are excited to see your brother," he chuckled as he hugged me back.

"What are you doing here?" I asked with my arms wrapped around his neck.

He sucked his teeth. "Can't a brother visit his sister?" He said and I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "Fine, I'm here for business now stop giving a brother the third degree. Damn."

I laughed as I let him go. "I'm going out for lunch in a few. You wanna join us?"


I went to my computer and logged off. "Yeah, your nephew and I. Ryan has gone to the restroom," I said now gathering my stuff. "How long are you gonna be in Cali?"

Eric threw himself on my office couch. "Three weeks," he said. "I think."

"You left my sister-in-law and my nephew? Why you goin' do them like that?" I playfully punched him.

"A brother's gotta pay them bills. I also have to book myself into a hotel," he said getting up.

"Come live with me. I have an extra bedroom back in my place," I said.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" He said excitedly as he hugged me and spun me around. "I was so not looking forward to having hotel food and being alone," he let me down.

Shawn POV

"Mmm, this joint has the best chicken nuggets and the sauce is like damn," I said dipping my chicken nugget into the sauce.

August and I were just talking over the phone and that was when he told me he don't like chicken. I was beyond shocked that a grown ass black man don't like no chicken!

I had to fix his ass.

"I hate to admit it but the chicken here is da bomb!" August said as he sat from across the table. "You've been hearing Beyonce's voice lately?" August chuckled as he wiped his fingers with his napkin.

I sucked my teeth. "Nigga, it ain't funny. I heard her voice and-...Nigga, are you even listening to me?" I asked seeing that August was a bit distracted. His mouth was all open like he's seeing a ghost.

"Umm fjagidbd...the hell...how the-...how is it," he rambled as he pointed something behind me. He sounded breathless. "THE HELL MAN!" His voice trambled.

Whatever this man was looking at was scaring the shit out of me. I have never seen August this petrified before.

"What are you looking-...No fucking way," I said as turned and got the shock of my life. "This can't be happening," I said under my breath in disbelief. I rubbed my eyes just to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

I was seeing the walking dead...or was I?

Beyonce just walked in the restaurant and she had company.

I could feel my palms getting sweaty and my heart started pounding in my chest. I involuntarily stood up and started walking towards her.

Was it really Beyonce or just her look alike? If it is her look alike then the resemblance is uncanny.

My mind automatically tuned out everything around me as I slowly approached her. "E-Excu-Excuse me," I said lowly as my throat got dry every passing second.

"Yes," she turned around and her smile immediately faded.

I cracked up a smile as I felt the tears burning my eyes. "My BumbleBey," I smiled through the tears. "I missed you," I said then I touched shoulder and she angrily swatted my hand away.

"Don't fucking touch me!" She snarled as her nostrils flared in anger. Her chest heaved up and down as the anger burned in her eyes. Her breathing started pacing.

Is she having a panic attack?

I tried getting closer to her but this man got to her first.

"Calm down Bey. Slow deep breaths baby girl," he comforted her as he led her to the nearest chair. He placed her hand on his chest. "You feel my heartbeat? Try to calm down so that your heartbeat can mimic my heartbeat."

"Oh my gosh...I'm getting...hot," Beyonce said breathlessly, fanning herself.

"Ryan, get your mother some water," this man said.

Mother? She has a child? With who? Is the man she's with the baby daddy?

She drank the water and finally calmed down. "Let's go home Eric," she said.

He kissed her forehead and smiled at her. "We'll order the food to-go," he said warmly and he held her hand.

Who the hell he think he is getting all lovey-dovey with my woman?

Its been ten whole fucking years since I've seen Beyonce. Now she suddenly appears out of nowhere, I'm definitely following them because I need answers.

I got my stuff and hurried back to my car. I made sure to stalk them from a very far distance.

I got to this building and I got out of my car. I saw the apartment they got into. I waited a couple of minutes and I went to knock on the door.

"The hell man!" This Eric guy said as he opened the door when he saw me. "You gotta bounce man coz you the last person Beyonce wants to see and-"

"Move fuckboy," I pushed him out of the way and I got inside. "Beyonce! Baby, where you at?!" I yelled as I got inside.

"First of all, I ain't your 'baby' and secondly, get the fuck out of my house," I heard and I saw Beyonce walking towards me.

"Shawn, you can't just come and barge in like this," I heard a masculine voice coming from behind me. "Bey, you want me to jump his ass?" Eric said and Beyonce just chuckled at him. "I'll take that as a 'yes' then."

I turned and gave Eric the side eye. "Don't you dare," I warned.

"Mommy, I'm hungry," this boy said walking towards Beyonce. I looked at him closely and he looked familiar.

I got it! He's the same boy from the grocery store.

"Ryan?" I said unsure of his name.

He looked at me and smiled. "Hey Shawn."

Beyonce shot her head almost immediately at Ryan. "You know him?" She asked referring to me.

"Yes mom. I've met him before," he smiled at her.

"No shit!" Eric said from behind me.

Am I missing something here? Of course I am. My alleged dead lover is standing in front of me and I have no fucking clue why I just invaded someone's space like that.

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