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Two and a half months later...

Shawn POV

I looked at the time on my wrist watch and it was 5:00 p.m. this means we have an hour before the grand opening of Beyonce's clothing store and clothing line, Ivy Park. It took a lot of persuading and begging, Beyonce finally let me invest in her business. I just wanted to help her.

"Bey come on baby. You know we have to arrive there early to make sure everything is in order," I said as I put on my chain, looking at myself on the full body mirror. I heard shuffling in the bathroom and Beyonce came out wearing her sweatpants and her bra at the top. "Baby why aren't you dressed yet?"

She ignored me and waddled her way to our bed and she sat down rubbing her belly. "Your children are kicking the shit out of me," she said with her eyes closed.

I went to sit next to her and I started rubbing her back. "I'll help you get dressed. How does that sound?"

She turned and smiled at me. "I'd love that," she said. "Gimme a kiss," she poked out her lips and I pecked her lips. What was meant to be a simple peck on the lips turned into a passionate make out session.

"Oh my goodness! What did I just walk into?" Solange said as she walked in our bedroom. "Y'all better stop sucking each others faces before I puke."

I pulled away from our make out session and I smiled at her.

"Solange, get the hell out. I'm still busy with my man," Beyonce said and Solange rolled her eyes then proceeded to walk out. Beyonce turned to me with a smirk on her face then she bit her bottom lip as she inched her face closer to mine. "Let's pick up where we ended Mr Carter," she said and she smashed her lips onto mine.

I'm gonna marry this woman one day. She's a handful but she's my handful. I love her to death and I can't help but to feel like I don't deserve her. I just wanna show her how much I love her and that I'm never again going to fuck up a good thing because life gave me a second chance with her.

"Mom. Dad. Auntie Solo said you guys must hurry up," Ryan said walking in then he walked out.

Beyonce groaned as she broke our make out session and I chuckled at her behavior.

"Help my fat ass up," she said.

I stood up and helped her up. "You're not fat baby, you're pregnant with my children," I said as I rubbed her belly. "You ready?"

"I am ready. Ivy Park is not my first grand opening and-"

"I don't mean that babe. Are you ready for next week?" I asked and she sighed.

Next week, we're going to her family reunion in Houston. I wanted Beyonce and Ryan to go without me but I can't let Beyonce be alone because of her condition. I also want to go meet her parents and the rest of her family again so that we can finally make peace.

"I'm kinda anxious on what they'll say. They haven't seen nor heard from me for years and now I'm gonna pop in out of nowhere with my children they never knew existed," she said.

I cupped her face and pecked her lips. "You're not alone, Solange and I are gonna be there. Don't worry baby," I said. "Now let's get you dressed up."


Beyonce just finished her speech and now she's interacting with everyone. She did an amazing job and I'm proud of her.

"I gotta hand it to your girl. This grand opening is fire," Ty said as he placed his hand on my shoulder. "Let's drink to that," he raised his glass and drank his champagne.

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