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Beyonce POV

I decided to spend my day off with Solange. I just wanna catch up with my baby sis so that we can fill each other on what's happening in our lives.

"Hey Juju," Solange excitedly said as she brought me into a hug.

I decided to take her out on a lunch date. We are at a restaurant I picked out for us.

"Hey baby sis," I matched her excitement then we entered the restaurant and we got situated in our seats.

The waitress came and took our orders. I'm in such a great mood because after ten long years we're finally having our girl time. Its such a refreshing feeling.

"Oh my gosh, I still can't believe you're actually here," Solange squealed as she held my hands from across the table, I chuckled at her childishness. She cleared her throat. "First things first, how are things on your side?"

I smiled at her as I sighed in relief. "I can't complain. Ryan is adjusting just fine here and I'm happy with what I've achieved in life," I smiled at her.

The waitress then came with our food and we thanked her.

"So how is the whole umm...Shawn situation?" She asked lowly as she cut through her grilled chicken.

I have to admit, I'm kinda nervous since in a couple of days its gonna be Ryan's first weekend with Shawn. Gwen better not do nothing to my baby boy or else I'm coming for her.

"Shawn and I worked out how we're gonna go about with this whole co-parenting thing," I said dryly as I wrapped some of my spaghetti bolognese around my fork.

"Sooooo, are you and Shawn maybe talking? Like the good old days," she said.

I bitterly chuckled and I took a sip of my ice tea. "Shawn is just my baby daddy. There's no talking unless its about Ryan."

"Damn, I'm guessing with that attitude you ain't got no man in your life," she bluntly said.

"Damn right. I ain't got time for men with all their bullshit and with all of their dishonesty. I ain't got time for that shit," I spat. I got a glimpse of Solange and she looked at me aghast. "What's wrong baby sis? You look like you've just seen a ghost," I smiled warmly.

She swallowed hard. "Who are you? You're not the Beyonce that I remember," she cringed a bit.

I chuckled evilly. "The old Beyonce is dead. She died when she got pushed off that bridge ten years ago by those bitches," I said with a poker face.

The fear was evident on her face as I met her gaze. "Someone tried to kill you and you've seen them?" She said in a tiny voice.

"Yep," I said putting emphasis to the 'p'. "Enough about me, how's the fam?"

She cleared her throat. "Mom and dad are still living in Texas and they are doing just fine. Julez talks to them a lot on the phone and loves spending spring break there. Seeing that you're alive, I think I should tell mom that we should have a family reunion. How does that sound?" She smiled at me.

My face lit up. "That is a great idea. I'd love to see our family plus they'll be happy to see Ryan," I said.

"Seeing that the real Mrs Carter is here. Why don't you just remove that impostor?" She said which immediately made my stomach turn.

I love Shawn but he fucked me over. Now I ain't gonna fight to be with him because him and Gwen deserve each other. How I wish I could just hurt Shawn the same way he did to me but I can't because I'd also be hurting Ryan.

"Like I said earlier, I ain't got time for men with all their bullshit," I dabbed the napkin on the corner of my mouth. "Why should I fight for a relationship Shawn never valued? He was busy fucking Gwen back when we were still engaged and he crawled back to her when I was gone...He obviously never loved me," I could feel my heart break after saying that last phrase.

Did Shawn ever love me from the beginning?

Solange POV

I could sense the hurt and betrayal in my sister's voice. I can't believe Shawn could stoop that low. Here I am idolizing that man when he did some messed up shit like that to my sister.

My sister sacrificed so much to be with Shawn, didn't that mean anything to him?

Beyonce and I wrapped up our lunch and we went our separate ways.

I immediately went straight to Shawn's office. That nigga has to answer some few questions that I have.

I barged in his office to find Gwen sitting on his lap as they were busy making out. They stopped what they were doing and shifted their attention to me.

"Do you mind?" Gwen snarled as she sat on Shawn's lap.

"Not at all sweetie. The door is this way," I smiled at her as I pointed at the door. "Shawn, I wanna talk to you."

"You can't just barge in like this. Where's security?" Gwen said.

She can call security, I don't give a damn. I ain't afraid of no security.

"Babe, don't get so worked up," Shawn said to Gwen. "I'll see you at home," he said to her and he pecked her cheek.

She got up from his lap and a smirk crept up from the corner of my mouth as I watched her strut out of his office and she shut the door.

Shawn got off his seat and walked to me. "What's the problem here?" He said as he stood in front of me.

I glared at him as I felt my blood boil. I then punched him in the face. I smirked as he held his sore jaw.

Shawn POV

What's with the Knowles sisters and punching me in the face? They think I'm their punching bag.

"The fuck you did that for!" I yelled in frustration as I held my sore jaw. "Damn, that shit hurt."

"Good, I got my point across," Solange said.

What point?! What is she talking about?

"You are a liar and a fucking cheater! I fucking hate you!" She pushed me with tears streaming down her cheeks. "How could you do this to my sister?"

"I don't follow," I said.

She wiped her tears as her chest heaved up and down. "You fucking cheated with that two dollar whore, Gwen, when you and Beyonce were still engaged. To make matters worse, you crawled back to Gwen after Beyonce was gone," she spat.

I was dumbfounded. "I-I was-"

"Beyonce was right, you never fucking loved her or valued her," her voice cracked with emotion.

I could feel my tears burning by eyes. "That's not true Solo. I love Beyo-"

"Don't fucking talk to me, don't fucking touch me, don't fucking call me, don't fucking come to my house. I want nothing to do with you," she said calmly. "You obviously don't value relationships so our sibling relationship is over," she sniffled and she walked out of my office.

Why is it that the relationships that I want to last I fuck them up then those ones that I don't want them to last I can't seem to fuck them up?

Is this Karma biting my ass for what I did years ago? I wish I could just go back in time and prevent myself from fucking up a good thing.

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