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Beyonce POV

The one man in this world that I don't wanna see is standing in front of me. What does the universe want from me? Haven't I suffered enough? If so then why is Shawn in my apartment?

"Ryan, go to the kitchen and make yourself some food baby," I smiled at him as I touched his cheek.

"Okay mommy," he said so warmly. "Nice seeing you again Shawn," he said walking away as he waved at Shawn.

Little does my son know that this man he considers as a stranger is his biological father.

"You have a child? With who? Is the father him?" Shawn asked pointing at Eric.

I crossed my arms and furrowed my eyebrows. "It don't matter. Now get the fuck out of here before I mess you up," I spat which caught Shawn by surprise.

If only he knew that the night I was pushed off the bridge and left for dead, the old Beyonce died in the process. I never really liked the old Beyonce because she took crap from everybody. I love the new me who ain't afraid to tell it like it is and take no crap from nobody.

"I haven't seen you in ten years so I'm not leaving," Shawn said as he walked closer to me. "You still look ravishing baby."

I released a slight chuckle. "I know. Also, I ain't your baby no more player," I said. "Now get your narrow behind out and go back to your fiancée, Gwen."

Out of all the women this guy could have been with, he settled for what was left at the bottom of the barrel. Really? Did he really settle for that bitch? Unbelievable.

"How do you know about me and Gwen?" He asked.

"Are you slow or something? Haven't you heard of social media? Your ass was basically all over the news the day you proposed to her," I said.

I could feel my heart sink as I pictured Shawn getting down on one knee and asking Gwen to marry him. As crazy as this might sound but I'm still so in love with Shawn.

"I love you Bey and-"

"If you love me then why the fuck did you cheat in the first place?" I interjected.


"Fucking talk nigga!" I spat. "If you love me then why the fuck you liquidated all of my assets and gave that whore you call your fiancée? Why didn't you just give the money to charity?"

I will never forgive Shawn for disrespecting me like that. He used my money and gave that whore!

I could see his lips quivering as he struggled to find the words to say. "I'm sorry. We can fix this," he finally said.

"Fix what? Tell me, what's broken?" I spat as my nostrils flared in anger. "Get the fuck out before I call the police."

He swallowed hard. "I can't lose you again. Let's talk and-"

"I. Ain't. Got. Nothing. To. Say. To. You. Nigga!" I clapped after each word.

He licked his lips. "Before I go, who's Ryan's father?" Shawn asked.

I clenched my jaw as I desperately fought back tears. "It don't matter," I said lowly.

"How old is Ryan?" He asked me.

"He's ten. Now LEAVE," I said.

Shawn looked like he was thinking then he bitterly chuckled. "You are pathetic Beyonce. You are here busy acting all holy like you Virgin Mary while you were fucking another nigga when we were together ten years ago," he said as we locked eyes the entire time he was talking. "You are a slut Beyonce a FUCKING SL-"

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