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Beyonce POV

"Right this way Miss Knowles," the nurse said as she directed me to the doctor's office.

I'm finally at my appointment and must I say, my belly gets bigger and bigger everyday. Its almost visible now.

"Hello Miss Knowles. I'm Dr Williams and I'll be the one responsible for your monthly check ups," she greeted as she put on her latex gloves. "Have a seat on the examination bed and please lift up your shirt for me."

She's so nice.

I lifted up my shirt and she squirted some gel on belly then she started moving the wand on my belly.

"Is this your first pregnancy Miss Knowles?" Dr Williams asked so warmly.

"Its actually my second one," I responded as I stared at the screen with a smile.

She moved the wand some more and her facial expression changed and it wasn't a pleasing one. I started getting worried, thinking the worst about my baby.

"Is something wrong Dr Williams?" I asked shakily. She didn't answer me instead she looked closely at the monitor.

"No, there's nothing wrong. Please don't stress yourself," she said with a reassuring smile. "I was just looking closer here so I can see how far are you and you are about three months pregnant Miss Knowles," she said. "I'm also picking out something here."

"What is it Dr Williams?"


I made it out of Dr Williams office and made sure to schedule my next appointment at the front desk.

Since I've got time on my hands, I'll go to the pharmacy to get my medication then make a stop at the supermarket for grocery shopping.

I hopped in my car and went to get my medication first since that doesn't take a lot of time. I was in and out in just a couple of minutes then I went to the supermarket.

I sat in my car and wrote my grocery list because I know that I'll forget when I enter the place.

"That's about right. If I forgot anything I'll ask Shawn to get it for me when he goes to pick up Ryan from school," I said to myself and I got out of my car.

I walked down the aisle while pushing my shopping cart, checking things off my list. I then felt someone hitting my shopping cart.

"I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going," I heard.

I looked at Gwen up and down, her baby bump was now visible.

I looked to my side and I looked at Gwen. "All this space and you decide to bump into me. I'm just standing on the sidelines not disturbing anyone and you decided to disturb my peace why?" I said with my eyes never leaving Gwen.

"I'm sorry," she lowly said looking like a lost puppy.

I rolled my eyes. "Your apology is long overdue. Don't need it no more so keep your pathetic apology," I spat.

"Can we please talk? I wanna make things right between us?"

This woman must be smoking something. Does she really believe that she's fooling me? She just wants to make me let my guard down then she strikes. I'm not falling for that shit again.

"I don't have time for your bullshit Gwen. I got to go back home because my son will be back from school in a couple of hours," I said as I walked off making sure to nudge her arm with my shoulder.

"I'm sorry Bey. I'm sorry I hurt you with all the things I said and did to you in the past," she said, stopping me in my tracks.

I turned and gave her a hostile glare. "You should never ever call me 'Bey' ever again. Only my friends and loved ones call me that. You lucky your ass is pregnant otherwise I'll fuck you up," I said. "Give your baby daddy my regards."

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