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Shawn POV

Ever since I called it quits with Gwen a couple of days ago the media has been buzzing none stop about our break up. I ain't in the mood for paparazzi so I just work from home and mostly avoid being in crowded places.

I woke up and immediately went for my phone on the nightstand. It was five thirty in the morning. I got out of bed and went to freshen up real quick then I went to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast. Beyonce is letting me stay here for free, the least I can do is show her my appreciation.

I got the pots and pans ready and I went straight to work. I made plenty of waffles with some extra crispy bacon on the side. I made enough for Beyonce, Ryan and I.

"Good morning," I heard Bey as she walked in the kitchen still in her pyjamas. My eyes immediately went to her pyjama shorts which were hugging her ass all up in the right places. "Why are you wearing my apron?" She chuckled, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I looked down at myself. I find the apron appropriate for cooking. It may be pink but its still fine. "I don't want to get any crumps or grease on me," I said watching her make herself comfortable on one of the kitchen stools. "I made breakfast. You want some?"

"Yes please," she smiled and I quickly made her a plate. I still remember how she likes her breakfast; two waffles and three pieces of bacon.

"Here's your coffee. I hope you still like it with two teaspoons of sugar and a dash of milk," I said as she took a sip of her coffee.

"Its perfect Shawn," she said warmly then the kitchen lapsed into silence.

I made myself a plate together with Ryan and I sat opposite Beyonce. I would get a glimpse of her beauty and smile from time to time. For some odd reason I get nervous whenever I'm around Beyonce. It feels like the first time I asked her out on her date back in the day.

"What are you doing today?" I asked trying to start a conversion with her.

"I'm just going to work and imma come back. The usual," she casually said.

I mentally face palmed myself for asking such a stupid question. Of course she's going to work, what else will she be doing on a work day?

"Mommy?" Ryan said lowly looking all woozy. He wasn't looking like himself. "I ain't feeling well," he sniffled and went to Beyonce.

She brought him closer to her and she felt his forehead. "Oh no baby. You're burning up," she anxiously said.

I got up and went to Ryan, I picked him up and he buried his face in the crook of me neck. Beyonce wasn't joking about this boy burning up. He's definitely not going to school like this.

"Don't worry, I'll take him to the hospital," I rubbed Ryan's back.

Beyonce shook her head. "No, I'll take a day off work and I'll take him," she said.

She must be bluffing. I don't have to go to work so its gonna be easier for me to take my boy to the hospital.

"Go to work and I'll-"

"He is my son and I'll be the one taking him!" She snapped as she shot up from her seat. "Give him here!"

I chuckled. "Correction, he's 'our' son and dial that attitude down to a zero," I said. "Excuse me, I'm taking our son to his room," I tried to walk away but she pushed me a bit. "Beyonce, I ain't doing this with you," I semi yelled.

She tried taking Ryan away from me but I ain't having it. Why can't she just let me take care of our son? I'm more than capable of taking him to the hospital.

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