The finale fight

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You sat in the library, the boys had finished eating and Crowley had arrived. You sighed "We have less then a week to stop her, I say a few days at least." You pointed out.

"Me and Y/n think it would be best for Sam to stay back." Cas said.

Sam looked at the both of you "What, no. You'll need all the help you can get." He protested.

"Yeah, and you're Lucifer's vessel. If he gets free, he will need his vessel. We can't risk anything Sam, if she gets you we won't have much time." You said.

"I agree with them, we gotta be careful Sammy." Dean said.

Sam sighed "I don't like it." He muttered.

"Calm down moose, everything will go swimmingly." Crowley said, he had been relatively quiet since he arrived. Though he didn't like to admit it. You could see right through him, he was scared.

"Cas said she was set up somewhere by Stull cemetery, so we've gotta find out where and take her out before it's too late." You said.

"And we've gotta be prepared for anything." Cas added.

Dean nodded "We'll get started on some devil's trap bullets, along with some angel blade bullets." Dean said.

You nodded, as the plane full started to come into set. You sighed, as all of you got ready besides Sam. You packed your duffle bag with anything useful, while Sam and Dean started on some bullets. You walked out of your room bumping into Crowley, he looked at you showing his true emotion. "I wish you could stay back, I'm worried something will happen to you." He said.

He earl showed how he truly felt, you could tell what he felt was genuine. "I'll be fine dad, I've always come out of a fight alive." You said, a small smile tugging onto your lips.

He sighed "That's the think Y/n, this isn't some normal fight. This a fight to stop the woman, who wants the bloody devil out. Hundreds of demons will swarm us, it's not safe." He said, frantically.

You gently grabbed his arm "I'll be fine, we're taking extra precautions. And I can only die from an angel blade, it'll be fine." You reassured.

"That's the point, they'll know you and feathers will come. So they'll have the blades." He said.

You sighed "I'll be fine." You said, before letting go of his arm and waking away.


Everything was packed and ready, and you where halfway to Lawrence. The car ride was silent, you and Cas could zap there if you wanted. But you preferred to stay with Dean, Crowley had already gone off heading to god knows where to wait for the three of you. You sat in the front seat next to Dean, the soft sound of Bon Jovi 'Wanted dead or alive' could be heard. Dean hummed the song, while you looked out the window. Cas hadn't said a word, he was too caught up in his own thoughts.

This was it the final battle, anything could happen. None of you had high hopes of success, but you all had faith. And that was enough, you pulled out to check your phone. No messages from Sam, you frowned unlocking your phone and dialing him. It rang a few times before it clicked, signaling that your call was ignored. It them went to voicemail, you sighed waiting for the beep.

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