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I went upstairs and took a shower then checked the time and it was 7:15pm.

I quickly went to my wardrobe and brought out a white crop top and a jean bum short with jean jacket and boots.
I went to my dresser and applied a light make up after which I stretched my hair and packed it up in a ponytail.

My phone rang and it happened to be Sam.

Thank God! I haven't spoken to him in a while.

" Hey, "I said as I received the call.

"Hi, today is the party right?"he asked.

"yeah,"I replied as a took my purse from the bed.

"Infact, I'm almost done with dressing up for the party."I said.

"Okay, don't forget to be careful and don't drink more than two cups of alcohol if you are given any.
you know you are not strong with alcohol."He said.

"Yeah,I will do just that."I replied as I headed for the door.

"Okay, good luck and don't hesitate to call me if something happens." he said.

"Yes mum."I replied as I heard him chuckle from the other side of the phone.

" Sam I'm really grateful you called though." I told him.

"Why? you are my best friend and I will always be there for you."he said.

"ditto."I replied.

"So, how are you holding up?"I asked him refering to Steph.

"I'm over it."he replied.

"Okay, take good care of yourself and I love you."I said as I went downstairs.

"You too."he replied before he ended the call.

After Sam ended the call,my phone rang and it was Hunter.

"Hey."I said.

"Hi Veronica I'm outside your house."he said.

"Okay,I will be there in a minute."I replied as I got to the living room.

"Liam,I will be out for some hours, I have a party to go to."I said.

"Okay, but don't be late and be careful.
keep your phone on incase I need to call you for something."he said.

"Bye then ."I replied wondering why he didn't give me any prep talk today as I went outside.

When I got outside,I saw Hunter resting by his car and he didn't notice me because he was on his phone.

I took in his outfit which was a black jean trousers with denim jacket and white and black sneakers.

I didn't miss the white T-shirt that he wore inside which didn't fail to show his hard upper body.

Oh my,he is so hot! I was screaming inside.

As I got to where he was ,he noticed me because he raised his head and I had to stop myself from putting my hands in his chocolate brown hair which looked soft and smooth.

what's wrong with me?

He smilled as he saw me and I didn't miss the glint from his green eyes and the curve of his pink lips as he smiled.

He raked my body from my feet to my head then he looked straight into my eyes.
"you are really sexy."he said with a grin.

I started feeling very hot as I tucked my bottom lip into my mouth.

"your eyes are really pretty too."he said again.

If only this guy knows what his words and stares are doing to me,he will stop before I do something stupid that I will surely regret.

VERONICA :Gift Davidson.Where stories live. Discover now