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I wasn't happy with what happened.
It was really embarrassing when she called me a boyfriend snatcher and he wasn't even dating her.

As we got inside the car,I didn't say anything to him but he was still apologizing and it wasn't his fault so I stopped thinking about what happened.
I wasn't even ready to go back home.

"I'm not ready to go back home,I will be so bored." I said to him and I noticed the small smile that came to his face when he realized  that I was really not mad at him.

"Let me take you somewhere then,you might like it." he said.

"Where?" I asked him.

"When we get there you will know." he replied.

As we got to the place,it looked so familiar and that was when I remembered it was the house I came out from the day after the party.

"Is this your house?" I asked.

"Yeah this is where I,my mum and sis live.
Hunter also stays here sometimes." he replied.

"But he is not here right now." he added when he saw my expression at the mention of Hunter.

"What about your dad?" I asked him.

"Well,he is living his own life.
He and my mum are divorced." he said.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have asked." I replied when I saw his pained expression.

"You didn't do anything wrong,I'm over the divorce and It's not like it happened recently." he said as we started going inside the house.

"You should have just said you were taking me to your house." I said with a smile trying to lighten the mood and thank God it worked.

"Where is the fun in that?" Bryan asked grinning.

"Your house is beautiful." I commented.

"Thanks." he replied as we finally got to the front door.

He brought out his keys from his pocket.

"Is anyone home?" I asked.

"My little sister and her nanny will probably be at home but we tend to lock the door everytime because of some reasons and past incident.

"Oh." I replied as he opened the door and we both entered inside but I was shocked with who I saw sitting in what I guess is the living room.

I'm sure Bryan was also shocked because he looked speechless.

Oh God! what's he doing here?

Well,this is like his second home so,why won't he be here?

"I swear I had no idea he was here." Bryan said.
"I know,I believe you so you don't need to panick." I said to him.

"I thought you were going to leave." he said and by now Hunter was already coming towards us with a nasty grin plastered on his face.

"What do we have here?I never knew you were going to grace me with your presence this evening." he said as he stopped at my front.

How I wish I could slap that grin off his face.

"I didn't mean to grace you with my presence Hunter,Infact it's quite the opposite." I replied.

"Well,too bad you are stucked with me unless you want to leave because I'm obviously not leaving." he said with a smirk.

"Hunter,you really need to stop this!she is my guest and I don't appreciate you making her uncomfortable." Bryan interfered.

VERONICA :Gift Davidson.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum