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Bryans phone rang then he looked at the caller ID and it was his father.
He didn't answer the call because him and his dad were not in good terms because of some family issues then the phone rang for a second time so he decided to answer with annoyance.

"What do you want man?" he asked his father.
"We are having a family reunion and I will like you to come." his father replied with hope in his voice.

"Who cares about what you like?"Bryan asked.

"I know I want you to come son but you have to watch your tone when you talk to me." his father warned.

"Whatever." Bryan replied as he ended the call.


"So,what about your mum and dad?" Jennifer asked as the both of us were trying to catch up for old times sake.

"My mum left for work this morning as usual but my dad went for a business trip." I replied frowning.

"Is everything okay?" she asked clearly concerned.

"Sincerely I don't know, I just have a feeling that my mum and dad are no longer as close as before and I think they are going to have a divorce. I'm scared." I said surprised that I have finally shared the thought I have had in my head for a long time now with someone and I feel a weight lift from my shoulder.

"Why do you think so?" she asked.

"I don't know, they seem really distant these days but my mum will never tell me what is going on and dad on the other hand is always out on business trips and whenever the both of them are around ,they seem so distant and it's very tiring and annoying to watch." I replied feeling the tears that is threatening to fall from my eyes.

I noticed Jennifer was speechless but I don't blame her, ofcourse she won't know what to say.

I'm very sure she wasn't expecting that.

"It's okay Vee, they are going to be okay."

She said as she drew closer to me and we embraced each other in a hug.

"Let's talk about something else." She said trying to lighten the mood and I secretly thanked her for that.

I quickly masked my face with a fake smile.

"Let's go to my room then." I said as we both stood up and went to my room.

When we got inside the room,we both sat down on my bed and I asked her why she was in Washington and she replied by telling me  that she and her family just moved to Washington on Thursday but she couldn't make it to my house until now because they were trying to put the house in order.

"I can't believe you are staying here for good." I said with a wide smile.

"We have to see each other every time." I added in excitement.

" I'm also happy,I have missed you so much."she said with her own wide smile.

"I actually have lots of things to tell you." I said smiling.

"So what is it, you have got a boyfriend?" She asked.

"No but just listen to what I have to say." I said blushing.

I told her about Hunter and when I was done with my story ,she was all smiles.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked her.

"Well,the guy sounds hot and I can say you are so lucky,just look at the way guys are just trying to get your attention.
who would have thought?" she said which caused me to let out a loud and uncontrolled laughter.

VERONICA :Gift Davidson.Where stories live. Discover now