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    It's finally Friday, at least I can now relax since it's weekend.
As I dragged my lazy ass to class, I sighted Sam from afar then I decided to wave at him but he didn't seem to be paying attention.
I guess he is talking to someone.

As I moved closer to him,I was surprised to see the person he was talking to.

I didn't expect it to be Hunter of all people.

I was more surprised to see Sam talking friendily to him.

"Hey." I said with a faint smile.

"Vee, what's up?" he asked with a grin like it's a normal thing to see him talking to Hunter Bush.
Gently for that matter.

"Nothing,Just heading to class." I said as I glanced at Hunter.

He smiled at me but I couldn't smile back, everything was screaming awkward.
Maybe it's because of what he told me yesterday.

"Let's go together then, see you around Hunter." he said as the both of us started heading to class.

"What was that?" I asked him.

"What was what?" he asked.

"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about, why were you with Hunter and since when did you guys become friendly with each other?" I asked again.

"Well, he approached me and he wanted to talk and I saw no reason to ignore him. besides, he seem like a nice guy." he replied.

He must be  joking, I think he is pulling my legs because this can't be it.

"You barely know him." I scoffed wondering if he has forgotten about what Hunter did.

"I will get to know him then, besides I don't think that's a bad idea." he shrugged like it was nothing.

Saying I'm surprised is an understatement, I was speechless. I can't believe these words are coming out from Sam's mouth,what has gotten into him?

I don't like this, at all!

"Well, that's really rich coming from someone that has been telling me about the lack of trust he has in Hunter since day one." I said sarcastically.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked with a furious tone.

Get a grip bro!

"What do you mean by that? I'm supposed to be the one asking you that question and not the other way round.

How can you just wake up one morning and decide to become friends with Hunter,have you forgotten what he did to me?" I asked raising my voice and I think we are already dragging attention to ourselves.

"Everything is not about you Vee and you need to let go of that grudge.
Besides, he has already appologized.
I don't know why you are still holding that against him." he said with a groan.

What has gotten into him, why is he unnecessarilly angry at me?

I know me and Sam argue about things on different occasions but I really don't get the reason for this argument.

"You of all people know what would have happened if Bryan didn't come to my rescue that night." I said.

"But nothing happened and the guy is sorry." he said.

"I can't believe the words that are coming out from your mouth.
You know what? When you sort your shit out, you know where to find me." I said as I walked out on him.

What the hell?!

What crawled up his ass and died?
I really can't believe he is taking Hunter's side right now.

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