Chapter 07: That Unique Blend

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Chapter 7 That Unique Blend

No reserves. No holding back. Time was against him and so he spent what had to spent and improve what had to be improved.

From the Walled City of Loire to the Walled City of Maria, the time it took for Siva to reach his destination were merely 2 hours. He even wondered why he had to travel by land and waste two days to get to Loire.

"If I knew this would happen..."

For a brief moment, he closed his eyes to inhale the air in Maria. Brief it may seem, or perhaps with the still lingering scent of that perfume in the air, Siva let out a the air with a forceful sound.

Luckily, the Miranda that was in the city two days ago had already left towards its destination. And although it was rude towards Rafaela, Siva was glad she wasn't in the city now.

Commercial flights of Cyclones aren't as comfortable as the planes of the modern era. Aside from the fact that modern airplanes and Cyclones share the same VTOL procedures (Vertical Take Off and Landing), the only difference they had is that Cyclones cost a significant amount of fare to use (Z130,000, and in terms of how money is earned in the game).

Even though he swore to be frugal in spending money, he swallowed that whole and still paid the price.

All to conserve time.

Still, he was thankful that in the Walled City of Loire, a BLUE VIP Pass can take priority from the services of the NPCs. He even had numerous chances to get high grade quests and missions but, regretfully, had to push them all aside and decline.

There are hundreds of thousands of hidden quests in Terroa. They can be discovered by books, initiated by acquiring and studying items, or by going into a place, looking into a specific detail of a picture, or meeting people who are key to initiating the quests.

Siva was aware of it all and since he had a Blue VIP Ticket, with the price of a Normal Ticket, he took the First Class flight towards Maria.

In there, since he was a high ranking player (B-Ranked) as of late, Some noble NPCs at least saw him as good enough subject to be hired for a job. These jobs are the high ranked hidden ones that cannot be easily acquired by normal players.

It's a common knowledge that high ranking quests give out high class rewards but, regretfully, he declined.

There are more important things he had to prioritize.

He only had a month to complete this. To damn it all, if he knew that this would happen, he would have went straight for this treasure instead of going after what was closest to his starting location.

"Che." He clicked his tongue and walked off the path towards the receiving area.

Of course, he wasn't expecting someone when he got there but he was still surprised by the volume of people going in and out of the airport.

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