Chapter 4

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17 years ago

Nietzche once said, 'Man is as a rope stretched between the animal and the superhuman. A rope over an abyss it is a dangerous crossing, a dangerous looking back, a dangerous trembling and halting.'

Reginald signaled Vanya and she blew her whistle, telling the seven children at the bottom of the many flights of stairs to begin.

They immediately started to run up, each of them scrambling to get in front of the other, but seeing as it was a tight space made it nearly impossible.

As much as you must strive for individual greatness, and strive you must, for it won't come to you of its own accord...

Luther was in the lead seeing as he was tallest and the strongest.

From behind him, Y/N huffed before she went off to the side, gripping onto the railing and using it to boost herself up a few stories before she began to run, smirking at her siblings who were all the way down to the 4th story.

You must also remember that there is no individual stronger than the collective.

Five spatial jumped in front of Y/N, tripping her before he spatial jumped again, this time a few stories up.

This is where their competition started.

Y/N scowled as she jumped over the railing again and began to pull herself up a few stories more, her arms and shoulders burning from the pressure once she finally arrived to the finish, right beside Vanya.

Vanya gave her a smile and Y/N nodded towards her politely, rubbing her arm and turning it outwards so she could stretch a little.

Five was already there, standing behind Reginald as he tried to ignore the nasty glare Y/N was sending in his direction.

"That's not fair! They cheated," Diego yelled.

"They adapted," Reginald answered.

The ties that bind you together make you stronger than you are alone.

Allison and Klaus were crying in each other's arms as they rubbed their tattoos in pain. Y/N stood next to them as well, biting the inside of her cheek, teary eyed, as she rubbed her wrist that was still red from the tattoo needle.

The Umbrella tattoo burned on her arm but Y/N ignored it as she clenched her jaw and watched as Diego was getting his tattoo. Diego seemed to be trying to ignore it, but he failed as she the noticeable red on his cheeks shone under the light the tattoo artist used, Grace trying to reach for his other hand however being rudely pushed away.

They will make you impervious to the pain and hardship the world will thrust upon you. And believe me when I tell you, life will be hard. It will be painful.

Ben stared at Y/N with worried eyes before looking back at Diego who was receiving his own tattoo.

He was scared.

We can accomplish anything when we accept responsibility together.

Reginald stood at the doorway to Luther's room, checking the wire that connected to his head with a solemn expression before he turned and exited taking a pen in his hand.

This is what creates trust.

Reginald swerved down the hall, stepping over the many wires retreating from the children's rooms that's all led straight to his office, where there was the steady beeping of their heartbeats and static of computers flashing on and off.

Reginald sat on his chair and looked back from his machine to his book where he took notes of their cerebellum behavior.

Together, you will stand against the reign of evil.

Sarcasm-Five Hargreeves x Reader (The Umbrella Academy)Where stories live. Discover now