Chapter 54

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The three brothers have been arguing for 15 minutes straight now, nonstop. No negotiation, no truce, and no confession of the wide amount of pride each of them stored deep inside their souls. Klaus was the only brother who wasn't arguing, or interacting with anyone in general. He laid lazily on the couch as he lolled his head from one side to the other while Y/N sat at his feet. She too began to zone out after the constant bickering and Alliosn's snarky remark only made their situation worse. She began to regret it at Five's, "I'm only a teengager and I'm almost bigger than you!"

After what seemed like an eternity, Vanya came downstairs, gaining the attention of everyone in the room as they stopped talking to turn to her.

"I'm leaving," she declared, seeking the academy's reaction anxiously.

They turned to her with a look of shock before Allison broke the brief silence with a shrill voice of surprise. "What? To go where," she asked, standing up from her spot on the stairs.

"Sissy's farm, something's wrong with Harlan, and I need to help him," Vanya explained.

"Vanya, we need to stick together, okay. Now more than ever," Luther said. Y/N couldn't help but agree.

"That's why I'm telling you this," Vanya said. "Whatever's going on with Harlan, I think I might've caused it."

Y/N narrowed her eyes at Vanya curiously. "What do you mean?"

Vanya sighed and looked up at her. "He drowned, and, uh, somehow I was able to bring him back to life. And now, it's like we're connected."

"How? Do you have more than one power?"

"Perhaps more than one use of it," Five answered, furrowing his brows.

"Hold on, what does that even mean," Luther asked.

"I don't know. I can't explain, but...I know that he needs my help," Vanya paused for a second before softening her voice. "I need your help, too."

Everyone perked up at her words, as if it struck a nerve in their minds that brought them back to their time in the academy. Before, everyone denied Vanya's calls for help. Even when she didn't need to ask. Those are moments some of them were reminded of in shame. Luther thought of the time he locked her in that cage, while Allison thought of herself brainwashing Vanya's memories. Who were they to deny their sister's call for help one more time?

"I'm scared," Vanya added. "And for the first time in my life, I don't wanna do it alone. I want my family to be by my side."

"Look, I'm sorry. We have other priorities right now," Diego said, an evident crack in his voice. He already began to regret it.

"Diego's right," Five said, fiddling with his nails.

Vanya's disappointment was visible on her face as she looked up at them in disbelief. "Guess I'll see you when I see you."

With that, she turned away and exited the apartment leaving the rest of them in an uncomfortable silence as none of them knew what to do after what had just been displayed in front of them. They all exchanged knowing glances before nodding and standing up to collect whatever they needed. In their heads, they all knew what they had to do. They needed to be there for their sister who needed help. And that may or may not be more than now.

Klaus was the first  one out as he only put on his coat, sneaking a bottle of booze into his pocket sneakily before joining Vanya in the car. She couldn't be happier for the assitance of one of her teammates.  Next was Allison and Diego, who both had a bit of a tickle of disagreement between each other, but they decided they needed to put their differences aside to be there for Vanya. However, they both agreed that they should go out in style while helping their sister. Allison came up with the idea, judging from the outfit she crafted with her cape. Then, there was Five and Y/N, who kept a gopod distnace from each other to avoid further conflicts after what went down in the parking lot earlier. Five shuddered at the mere thought of it.

Opening the door to the car, Five was annoyed to see Klaus already sitting in the passenger seat. But, he looked over the cult leader to see Vanya and give her a strained smile.

" don't have to..."

"I know. You owe me, sis," he snapped, a smirk on his face before he looked over to Klaus. "Children ride in the back."

"You're right," a voice chimed as Y/N pushed Five out of the way, staring down at Klaus.  "Move it, doofus."

Klaus snorted. "Ya snooze, ya lose!" He wiggled his eyebrows before taking a sip out of the bottle in his hands.

Y/N scowled at his antics before she felt a hand on her arm, which was Five getting back up from the ground. She pushed him again.

"Hurry, Klaus!"

"Okay," he muttered, moving into the back where Allison and Diego squirmed in discomfort.

Y/N plopped down next to Vanya, quickly slamming the door before Five was able to get back up again. Vanya smiled seeing her family arguing over the limited space in the car, Y/N holding the door handle so Five wouldn't be able to open it, and Klaus giggling at Allison and Diego's disagreement over whatever.

"Guys, I don't know what to say-"

"Y/N, move it. I'm 14 days older than you," Five opened the door again, causing Y/N to shove his hand off before closing the door once again and locking it.

"Says who."

Five rolled his eyes and grumbled angrily to himself before dropping the glove and sitting in the back, crossing his arms. She was Number Eight, and she should've been the youngest. Now that he sent her to the 1930s, he had to question his own judgement now.  Suddenly, there was an ear-piercing scratching from the back and all of them didn't even need to see who that person was for the whole car seemed to shift when the big bunch of additional weight sat itself in the truck, next to a steaming Five.

Y/N pressed her lips together, debating whether Luther flattened the tire or not but sighed once Vanya started the car which was surprisingly still able to move. The car holding the group of seven exited the alley, going down the street as Vanya drove them to where Harlan and Sissy were waiting for a hero.

Nobody knew there was another suprise that was waiting for them at the farm.


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