Chapter 29

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"You from the Pentagon, huh."

"Definitely not."

"CIA. FBI. KGB," Elliot continued.

Five only shook his head and spatial jumped to the table, causing Elliot to scream again, using the wall as support when he tripped over his own feet. Five eyed him weirdly and poured himself a cup of coffee while Elliot started to take deep exhales.

Five raised the cup of coffee up to his lips and instantly gagged, reaching for the milk carton as he struggled to get the taste from his mouth. He then took his mug again and inspected the many papers and files laying around before his eyes fell upon newspapers of UFO sightings and stuff like that perched upon Elliot's desk.

"You ever heard of, uh....Area 51," Five asked. "Roswell?"

Elliot scoffed and started to chuckle. "Hot damn! Whoo! See, I always knew we weren't the only ones. See, Eleanor thought my head wasn't screwed on tight, but...but it's all true, yeah?"

"Well, the truth is out there," Five smiled.

"No, no, no, no, no, no. The...the truth, it's...right here in front of us," Elliot walked up to the boy and stared at him. "Tell me, uh...why is it always an anal probe?"

Y/N bit back a smirk as Five started to back away from Elliot with a scrunched nose.

"Any closer, and I'll melt your brain," Five said.

"He needs a little space. Yes, I'll be over here," Elliot scurried over to the other side of the room eagerly.

"All those contraptions on the roof, who built those," Five asked.

"Me and Y/N did that some, uh, some time ago. We sure did. Yeah, we've been tracking anomalies the atmosphere. Y/N stopped a while," Elliot watched as Five looked around the room in interest. "Just waiting."

"Waiting for what," Five asked.

"For you,"Elliot said. "For all of you."

Y/N choked on air and stomped her foot. "You-you've seen more than one? More people...more people came?"

"Y-yeah! You didn't notice," Elliot asked.

Y/N stared at him and they all stood in awkward silence before Y/N ran to Elliot's work quarters. She heard Five following after her as she went through Elliot's work, eager to find any information on her other siblings. For years, she had thought all of them died.

"Elliot, tell me everything," Y/N yelled as she accidentally dropped some of his documents.

"It all started in 1935. I was about...13 or something. I was playing in my room and this bright blue light came in through my window. But when I went to investigate, I saw you there, Y/N. Nothing else. Then, you were downstairs talking to mom. I grew curious about that light after a while and mom told me everything," Elliot explained.

Five glanced at Y/N who was staring at the wall before she noticed his gaze an continued.

"Then it happened again in 1960 the year the Silvertone Omega was released.  Was in the middle of a sale when something very strange happened. Y/N was collecting more sales from up north, I don't think you saw it. So for the past three years, I've witnessed five energy surges in that alleyway out back. Same thing, every time. A bright blue light, then something appears."

"Did you get a good look on any of them," Y/N asked.

"Yeah, the first one. And then the big, sensitive one."

"Sensitive," Y/N questioned, ignoring Five's laughs from the other side of the room.

"Yeah, he cried a lot. Kept coming back to the alley, sat around for hours calling a woman's name. Uh...Allison!"

Sarcasm-Five Hargreeves x Reader (The Umbrella Academy)Where stories live. Discover now