Chapter 11

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Coming back to the Academy, Y/N had found bloody footprints leading up to Klaus's room, much to her surprise.

He was tortured?

Y/N's questions were answered once she's entered Klaus's room to see an expressionless Klaus and an angered Five, the both of them arguing over something, a briefcase, before Klaus had had enough of it and left the room, leaving Five behind as he stared at the wall in bough and clenched his fists.

"What was that all about?"

"Klaus time traveled using one of the Commission's gadgets," Five answered, taking a notepad. "He was there for a year, enough for the Commission to track it down."

Five smirked as he began to write down on the piece of paper.

"I have a new idea."


Y/N rubbed her temples roughly as she let out a frustrated groan, climbing down from her stool.

Five's new idea consisted of straining your back standing up on a stool for two hours, slouched over and using your brain full time as you copied down a bunch of hair-pulling equations on his chalkboard wall in his room.


"Ugh. I haven't done this stuff since I was like, 19. Such a pain," Y/N muttered as she used her palm to rub off a mistake she had made while she was calculating the time before then and the spatial circumference from Five's time loop portal when he came back verses his everyday jump.

"Good for you. In the apocalypse, I almost fried my brain from all the math and the hot weather from the pollution and heat radiation. Such a pain."

Y/N rolled her eyes at Five's remark before she lifted her stool and had it lean against the wall before she dusted her hands off.

"Whatever. What do you have?"

"Four suspects. I also got a gun from dads room. The one he used to kill...what, a rhinoceros?"

Five pointed it to one of his action figures as he checked the rifle that was under his bed. "I used something similar at work."

Y/N didn't answer as she looked at the four people Five had marked down that he thought had to be killed to avoid the apocalypse.

Suddenly, there was a small knock in the door and the two teens turned to see Luther standing in the doorway, shifting from side to side uncomfortably.

"Um, am I interrupting something!"

"Yeah. You kinda were," Five glared at him.

"Oh, sorry."

"What do you want?"

"I was just walking around. So, what are you doing? What is all this?"

"It's a probability map," Five answered.

"Probability of what?"

Y/N gave him an 'are you actually kidding me right now' look and Luther looked away from her instantly before returning his gaze back at the walls.

"Oh. Right. The apocalypse."

"Precisely. We've narrowed it down to four."

"Four what?"

Five gave a harsh glare to Luther as he shuffled to hide the rifle behind his leg. "Whose death could save the world."

"Oh. Wait, are you saying one of these four people causes the apocalypse," Luther asked while he perked up in interest.

"Yes. He is."

"Their death may prevent it."

"Oh," Luther whispered. "I'm not following."

"We kill this guy, the world doesn't go bye bye," Y/N snapped, throwing her chalk piece across the room so it could land in Five's chalk bin.

"Time is fickle, Luther. The slightest alternation in events can lead to massively different outcomes in the time continuum," Five explained. "The butterfly affect."

Luther nodded, however his face showed he still didn't quite understand. "So all I have to do is find the people with the greatest probability of impacting the time line, wherever they may be, and kill them."

He hopped off the bed and looked at something on his side table while Luther looked at the names.

"Milton Greene. So who's he, a terrorist or something?"

"I believe he's a gardener," Five said, looking in his book before he narrowed his eyes. "Hold on-Yeah. I was right.

"You can't be serious," Luther's head snapped back to them. "Wait, this is madness, Five. You-"

Then, he finally caught sight of the gun that was terribly hidden behind Five, and Y/N wanted to jump out the window once she had found out what he was looking at.

"Where'd you get that," Luther questioned, taking a step forward.

"In dad's room. Its similar to the model I used at work. Nice shoulder fit and highly reliable."

"But you cant-This guy Milton is just an innocent man."

"It's basic math. His death could potentially save the lives of billions. And, he'd be dead in four days anyway. The apocalypse won't spare anyone."

"We don't do this kind of thing," Luther whispered.

"What do you mean? This thing is what we've been doing our whole life. I thought that you'd understand that more than anyone else, Luther," Y/N said, pulling on her sleeve.

"Dad made me leader, you guys. He made me a leader for a reason. I can't let you go and kill innocent people."

Y/N but the inside of her cheek before she placed her hand on Five's desk and sighed. Guess she was gonna have to break it the hard way.

"Luther, you're Number 1 because you're older than us. Born practically a second before everyone else. Being old and young has nothing to do with leadership and I think it's finally time you understand that."

Luther turned his body in Y/N's direction and slouched before he nodded. "You're right. I am older. Just by a little bit, but why would've something like that mattered to Dad? He's smarter than that, you know! But if you want me to start leading, than I'll be happy to do that right now."

Luther looked around Five's room before his eyes laid on a certain mannequin and he grabbed Delores by the head, hanging her over the window. Suddenly, he let go of the mannequin, causing Five to yell out a spatial jump into the fire escape before Delores hit the ground, but by then, Luther had already grabbed the gun and went back to the other side of the room.

"I know you're still a good person, Five," Luther was standing by the door, keeping a wary eye on Y/N before he turned back to Five.

"Otherwise, you wouldn't have risked everything coming back to us."

Five sighed and he placed Delores on his bed before he sat down, somewhat...defeated.

Y/N raised a brow in question at Five's antics but he only avoided his gaze as he played with his hands.

"There is a way, but it's impossible."

"More impossible than what brought you here," Luther asked. "Y/N, Do you know?"

The girl only shook her head as continued to stare at Five, hoping he felt the daggers digging into his back at her glare.

But in reality, Y/N wanted answer too.

What kind of an idea would have the Five Hargreeves quaking in his boots at?


Sarcasm-Five Hargreeves x Reader (The Umbrella Academy)Where stories live. Discover now