Chapter 9: The Story

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I don't know if this is a trigger warning or not, but I guess I should warn you anyway, her parents abuse her. Just a heads up.
So I have no idea when I'm going to stop, imaginary readers, but it's probably going to be a little long. How are you liking it so far? And do you have any suggestions? You know what never mind, I'm probably gonna be long done after people actually start reading this. Have fun in your imaginary lives!
- Abby

"Alright you already know I was born with powers... (flashback)
Mommy Daddy look! I screamed as I lifted my fathers 40 pound weight at only age 5. That's so cool honey. My mom told me as she snuck a glance to my father. That's when they started. The experiments were fun at first. Seeing how much I could lift, dodging Nerf bullets. But it soon turned bad. When I turned ten. They started to smack me if I did something wrong, or not up to their standards. I quickly learned that if I cried, I got punished. That was the first rule. They turned my room into a cell. They had me use hypnotism on strangers, making them do awful things I still have nightmares about. They started to shoot real bullets at me, that's when they figured out my healing factor. I still have scars from knife wounds, bullets and burning metal. They left me alone for a couple days and then suddenly dragged me out and laid me face first on a table. I had no idea what was going on. Then they stuck a needle into my shoulder blades. Injecting what would soon become wings. They slammed me in my room and left me there. The next day I screamed, freaked out because I had metal wings hanging from my back. My parents came in, slapped me, told me to shut up and put me on the table again. That time they took a tattoo needle and tattooed two folded wings on my back. The real ones quickly folded into them and melted away. Over the course of the next few months they taught me how to use them. Then, I had had enough, I hypnotized them to forget about me. I still remember the exact words I used. Now listen very closely, you never had a daughter, you never were parents, no one can convince you otherwise. You were never evil to anyone again, not even a fly. Now go. I said with anger in my voice. They turned around and went to sleep and I ran away that night.
Jesse's mouth was hanging open. The he wrapped me in a hug. I was on the verge of tears.
"It's ok. They're gone."
"Yeah and it's my fault. That's why I never use them. The hypnotism or wings." My voice trembled dangerously. The the crying came. Quiet, hard sobs that shook my whole body, and that I couldn't seem to stop. Jesse just sat there his arms around me. I sniffled.
"Thanks Jesse."
"Why don't you try to get some sleep. I'll wake you up in the morning." I nodded and fell asleep on my backpack.

The Girl With The Metal Wings // Avengers Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now