Chapter 45: Missing

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I know that I usually wait like a week to post, but I couldn't wait. In my excitement, I wrote to the end and I cannot wait for you guys to read it! So you're welcome. Have fun reading!

I came back upstairs to find everyone grinning at me.
"What?" I asked. Scared of the answer.
"Oh nothing." Nat said. "Except for this." She showed me a picture of Iris sleeping on my shoulder. I could feel my cheeks go red.
"Oh c'mon. It was so cute I couldn't resist."
"You know, you guys would make a cute couple." Clint said. I just glared at them. My thoughts went to my sense. It couldn't just be a coincidence could it?
"What's wrong?" Loki asked. He could read me like a book, there was no point in lying.
"When they were leaving, I got a sense, a warning. But I don't know what for." I frowned.
"Ok well what did you do?" Tony asked.
"I put a tracker on her, plus told them to call me if anything was wrong." He nodded.
"Good job."
"Why don't we just sleep on this? Maybe it will make sense in the morning." Nat suggested. I nodded, and headed to bed. Putting my phone beside my bed, I changed and shoved myself under the blankets. This will be a restless night.

After a couple minutes of trying to sleep, my phone buzzed. I immediately shot up, concerned. But I knocked my phone off of the table, under the bed. I searched, but when I had found it, the call was gone, with only a voicemail from the one person I hoped it wasn't. Iris. I quickly called my voicemail.
Abby? Abby? Please pick up. There's someone following us. They're chasing us, please help. We're on Glendale St. Jake's with me too, just please come help. I don't know what to-
It cut off. The phone slipped from my hand. Shit. I started to freak. Something happened. I raced out of my room, finding the person closest to me. Bucky's room. I slammed the door open. I didn't even notice Steve cuddled up with him.
"Bucky! Bucky!" He shot up, eyes wild. "Help. We need to find her. Something happened."
"Shh, calm down." Steve had come over. "Now can you tell us what happened." I explained what I had heard. He tried to hide it, but his face went pale.
"Steve." I said.
"Abby get Friday to wake everyone up, bring them to the common room. I did as I was told. Soon everyone was gathered, bleary eyed and annoyed. As soon as they heard what had happened though, they were wide awake.
"Where was she?"
"Glendale. Jake was with her too." Then I smacked my head. Of course the tracker! I pulled up the feed on a laptop. I turned it around.
"There. That's her."
"Friday, put the coordinates in. Everyone, suit up." Tony ordered. I got up to find my suit when Tony stopped me.
"You're staying here."
"What? Why?"
"I don't want you in danger. You've done plenty. Besides, you aren't experienced enough. You're not coming. Final answer."
"Tony. They're MY friends. I'm not just gonna sit around and worry about them. I'm coming."
"No! No you're not! I'm not losing someone else! Stay here!" He yelled. I stepped back. He never yelled. He let the suit surround him and they left, flying to the rescue. I sat for a few minutes. Contemplating what I should do. Stay here, hope that they could save them and stay safe. Or go, against Tony's wishes and save my friends. It was a no brainer. I was going.
"Friday. Override every protocol that is keeping me here."
"I'm sorry I cannot Abby. Tony has given me strict orders." I growled in frustration, and pulled the laptop toward me. I started to hack. Tony had definitely thought I was going to do this. He had beefed up the firewalls, and it was making it harder. But then, I got through. I got rid of all the traps, walls and restraints that were keeping me from going.
"Now. Friday. Where's my suit?"

The Girl With The Metal Wings // Avengers Fan FictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon