Chapter 11: The Invitation

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I was going to kick this guys butt. And by his looks, I could tell that he has no idea what was coming his way. Nat and I started to count down.
"1." And I attacked. I had no mercy. I knew he would underestimate me, so I went full out. A plan started to form in my head. If I surprised him with my powers, he would most likely be taken aback and I would have a chance to pin him. Risky, but worth a shot. I didn't go right away, I let him gain some confidence first. I danced around him, eventually turning my back on him, just waiting until he threw a punch. He did, and I jumped out of the way as I felt it coming. His eyes widened and suddenly he came at me with his metal fist. Finally he put his full power into a punch. I quickly caught it. His jaw dropped. Catching him off guard, I swung and flipped him onto the ground. Pinning him. He smacked the ant, tapping out. I climbed off of him and Nat high-fived me. I felt something slip into my hand, a price of paper. I refrained from looking at it.
"Good job squirt." Nat said. I scrunched my nose. Usually I would have someone's head for calling me that, but it was Nat. The he asked me how i did it. I just laughed at him, saying,
"Superpowers idiot." He asked how I got them. I froze and closed up. He doesn't have the right to know. I told him off and Nat helped him up. I made an excuse about finding somewhere to sleep, knowing full well that I would expose myself to this soldier. I didn't care though. I had to figure out what this note said. Once I got a far enough distance away, I ducked into and alley and read what the note said. I think it's time you meet my family. I know I know, you don't like people. But just think about it. Nat. Aw hell no. I was not going to go meet the Avengers! There was no way, not enough food or money could pay me. There was no way for me to get in contact with her unless, I wrote a letter, which I hated, and she knew that. Or if I snuck into the tower, which will end up with me meeting them anyway. I see what you did there Widow, that was low. So much to my dissatisfaction, I stole some paper and a pencil from Jesse and wrote a letter.

Geez I hadn't done this in a while. My hand started to cramp about half way through, but I managed to get it done. It said, Widow, there absolutely no way, I will come to Avengers tower. And this was a low blow, making me write something. My hand is dead! If you want to talk, fine. But I doubt you're going to convince me to meet them. Meet at our corner, around 3pm on tomorrow. Don't be late, and don't bring anyone with you! Bucky was enough to last my whole lifetime. Sincerely, your annoying, dirty, sarcastic friend, Hypno. I quickly slipped it into an envelope and wrote on the front, For Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff. If anyone else reads this I will take their head off! You have been warned. I quickly found a post office and caught a stray mailman coming out. I dragged him to an alley. No I'm not gonna kill him. I hate doing this but if this doesn't get to Nat today she's going to be late, so I fixed the mailman with my eyes and said,
"Now listen very closely, you will take this letter to Avengers Tower right away, no delays. You'll insist to take it up to the Avengers and hand it over to Natasha. No one else. Now go."His eyes glazed over and he got in his truck and drove away. I shuddered thinking about that night. I shook myself out of my thoughts, I needed to find a good alley, I'd need somewhere to sleep after all.

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