Chapter 31: Jake

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The receptionist came out with my schedule, but I insisted on staying with Jake until he was ready to come with me. I needed a guide after all. Once he had gotten cleaned up. I showed him my schedule.
"Hey it's the exact same as mine."
"Awesome! At least I won't be alone now." We hi fived. We walked into our first class. Math.
"Ah Jake. Late again as always." A teacher who just have been around 40 years old said.
"Yeah well I had to show her around." Jake said.
"And you are?" The teacher asked. I saw a plaque on his desk. Mr. Liesman.
"Abby. Abby Allen, Mr. Liesman."
"Ah yes. The new student. You can sit in the back next to Jake." I nodded and walked to my desk.
"Alright class, let's start."

And hour later of hearing Mr. Lies, that was my nickname for him, drone in about who knows what, it was time for our second class. Me and Jake talked and laughed all the way to chemistry. We arrived and sat in the back.
"So who is this teacher."
"Mrs. Meyers. She's pretty nice."
"Cool." Right on cue, a young lady walked into the room. She has long blond hair and brown eyes.
"Morning everybody."
"Morning." Everybody said.
"Alright let's start." I raised my hand.
"And who might you be?"
"I'm Abby Allen. I'm new."
"Oh yes. I'll give you what you need to catch up on at the end of class alright?" I nodded. She began class.

It was finally lunch. Me and Jake sat down near the back of the cafeteria. I saw Peter and he waved at me. I gave a short wave and turned back to Jake.
"That your brother?"
"Sort of. It's hard to explain."
"I'm listening."
"Well it depends. Can I trust you?"
"Of course." So I told him. Pretty much everything except the powers. "That is so cool." I shrugged.
"Yeah I guess. And you have promise not to tel anyone." He laughed.
"Who am I going to tell?" I snickered.
"Ok true. What about you?"
"Well I live with my mom and my step dad. It's just us but it's pretty good."
"You like your step dad?"
"Yeah he's cool. I thought my mom would marry some weirdo, but he's nice."
"That's good. What do we have next?" We kept talking until we heard the bell. We somehow made it through the next class. When we were walking to the next, I could see Jake get more and more excited.
"Ok what's happening?"
"You're all happy all of the sudden."
"Oh well the next class is the best! We have Ms. Kipp, but never call her that, call her Tilly."
"Ok. So what makes her so good?"
"Well she's super cool, and she doesn't bore everyone to sleep, plus her class is just the best. She has the hands on stuff, robotics, engineering."
"That sounds amazing." We walked into the workshop and sat down at the king tables in the middle of the room. There were machines, wires and tools everywhere. It was almost as cool as Tony's lab. Almost. Then a lady with bright blue hair came in. She had a pixie cut, gray eyes and looked cool.
"How are my scientists today?" They all started to murmur and talk. "Good good." Then she spotted me. "Abby Allen I presume."
"Yep." She then looked at Jake.
"Jake you're showing her around?" He nodded. "Good. You can show her what we are working on yes?"
"You got it Tilly." So we went to work. Jake explained the project. It was to make a working robot. That couldn't be that hard. I started to work. Drawing out my plans beforehand and then figuring out the coding. In no time I had figured out the coding. Tilly announced that class was done. I put all of my work in my little cubby and walked out. I said good bye to Jake and started to walk home. Peter joined me.
"How was it?" He asked.
"Not as bad as I thought."
"I see you made a friend."
"Yeah he's pretty cool. His name is Jake Grey." I saw Peter smirking. "What?"
"Does the almighty Abby Allen have a crush?"
"Seriously Peter! It's the first day of school and you think I have a crush." I started to ramble. "Of course I do not like Jake. Wouldn't be possible anyways since I'm gay." I stopped and clapped a hand over my mouth. "Shouldn't have said that."
"Why not?" He looked at me, curious.
"I'll tell you when we get home just please don't tell anybody."
"Ok that's fine. I needed time before I told them I was bi. I completely understand." I breathed a sigh of relief. We made it home. I guess it was time to explain.

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