Chapter 39: Hacking

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I woke up to an alarm blaring in my ear. I was tired so I slammed my hand down on where the noise was coming from. I felt something smash under my hand and I wrapped the blankets around me more tightly. I fell asleep again. Then there was a loud, BOO! I jumped up and punched them in the face.
"Whoops. Sorry Clint." I looked over at him, he was clutching his eye. "Sheesh kid. You have a good arm. Now get up for school, you're going to be late." "Uh fine. Also, I need a new alarm clock." I said, pointing at my crushed one. I shooed him out of the room and got dressed. I got some toast from Bucky and I headed out the door. I met up with Jake and Iris at the front of the school.
"Hey Abby. How was your weekend?" Jake asked. I immediately blurted out how I had gotten Wade and Peter together, found a pool in the tower and had gotten Steve and Bucky together. Then I realized my mistake. Iris was staring at me with wide eyes. "What the heck? Explain right now!" Usually Iris was quiet and calm, now she looked like she was going to explode. I can't lie it was kinda hot. I quickly explained what had happened, of course leaving out the part where I say I had powers. "Ok wow. I was not expecting that. Hey maybe I'll see you there one time." I was confused. "My mom works there and sometimes I visit. Just to hang out."
"Cool. Maybe I will see you there." We made it to math just in time. Mr. Lies glared at us as we sat down. This was gonna be fun.

Somehow I made it through math without falling asleep. We walked into the computer lab to start our next class. Our teacher, Mr. Cross came in. She told us that today was a free day. As long as we were on the computers, we were ok. We all cheered and got to work. I had an idea. I quickly pulled up what I needed. In a few minutes I had hacked into FRIDAY. I chuckled to myself. I got out the cameras and started to spy on my family. I laughed as I saw Dad dancing to AC/DC in his lab while working on his suit. Steve and Bucky were cuddling on the couch, Nat was training, but I couldn't find Clint. I searched everywhere. Then I figured that he must be in the vents. So I pulled up the mini set up I put in the vents. And there was Clint, sleeping in a bundle of blankets. I laughed and typed in some code. Luckily I had the volume on my computer off, because I made FRIDAY yell, RISE AND SHINE BIRDBRAIN! Clint woke up with a start, banged his head on the vents and proceeded to fall out of them, right onto Nat. I tried to keep in my laughter. I then decided to have a little more fun. I hacked into Tony's suits and made them all come to life. Tony screamed as all the suits came to life and started to fly everywhere. I quickly shut them off and made them fly into their correct places. Then SHIELD came to mind. I wouldn't mind scaring Fury. So I started hacking. This was harder, there were a lot more layers, easier to crack, but way more. So it took more time. I got in and started to look around. I looked into the main SHIELD headquarters cameras. Nick Fury was sitting, talking to a lady I didn't recognize. I smiled. A hologram of Ironman came up beside him. His sigh was so big you could see it. I made the hologram shout, NICHOLAS JOSEPH FURY, YOU LITTLE SHIT! Then the hologram disappeared. I struggled to keep my laughter in. He looked so pissed! The girl started to talk to Fury, mostly telling him off. They both stormed out of the room and got into a car. In which I assumed they would be going to Avengers Tower. I put back the tower's cameras and waited. Then Fury and the girl came stomping into the tower, not waiting for Holly. They got to the top floor and burst into Dad's lab, starting to shout at him. He cut them off and glanced at the cameras. He said something, and they went black. I pouted. That was no fun. Then Mr. Crosser announced class was over. I shut everything off, and made sure no one could access that before heading to lunch. Man if they found out, I was so grounded.

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