Chapter 18 - Slurred

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As songs passed like drinks did from trays scattered with plastic spiders, you and the trickster god had gotten closer and closer. His slim fingers dance lightly against your waist and your own on his shoulder, moving to his back.

More and more, the alcohol that Thor had provided tainted both systems. Loki slurred his usual silver tongue and your blue hair turned back to its usual h/c, the illusion of hair subsiding so smoothly it felt like a chiaroscuro painting.

With each flicker of eye contact which was shared, the more and more you fell. Those gorgeous gems which could only reflect the deepest acres of the Asgardian forests. You could only imagine spending a soft afternoon in his arms surrounded by blooming flowers in the royal gardens he had talked so fondly about.

Or maybe a cozy night with his hands running through Svartalfheim fire grass. The soft humming and crackling of each blade emitting enough light to illuminate the two of you. But not enough heat which would mean a warm embrace in each others arms...

But this was too far ahead. You had only met the man two months ago and now you were planning the smallest of moments?

Had he placed a spell on you? Spiked your drink with a potion? Or was this just simple, pure attraction?

This wasn't a whimsical thought... this had brewed long enough it could create quite the powerful hair removal potion.

Gods! Why did you ever think going for Victor would get the wretched... pompous... devilishly handsome... charming... kind... loving younger prince of Asgard out your mind?!

Snapping back into reality like the infinity gauntlet, you feel Loki tug your hand towards the bar, his tongue running dry from all the dancing.

"How about something refreshing that isn't from my brother's flask?" Loki settled you down on a seat as he moved around the bar and started to scan the multicolored shelves.

"Wait, hold on," you start to giggle. "I remember reading this article where a bartender used you as inspiration for a cocktail,"


"Yup," leading the ingredients called for to in front of you, you start to concoct the drink rather sloppily but Loki helped clean the mess. "Voila," two lemon peels were placed like horns on both drink making Loki chuckle and take his.

A look of delight passes his face as the sweet flavour coats his tongue. "This is brilliant, Enchantress,"

"Bonus of being a witch is that you're damn good at making cocktails," knocking over the lemon horns, you sip at the drink and look up to see Loki staring. "What?"

"You are an amazing sorceress, Y/n, you do know that right?"

"Thanks, Lokes," stirring the green drink you could feel his eyes still on you. "Did you want me to return the compliment?"

"No... No, I'm trying to figure out if I've complimented you on your costume of choice,"

"I don't believe you have,"

"Well, you look stunning, absolutely divine,"

Heat scored across your cheeks, hiding only behind the sugar rimmed glass against your lips. "Well, you look dashing as usual," You compliment back making his smile twist into a grin.

"I'm dashing? You really think such a thing?"

"Wouldn't the god of lies be able to tell if my words were not truth?"

"I would... but your gorgeous e/c eyes captivate me too much to care," He purrs, though it seemed his words surprised him.

"Wow... this absinthe really is strong," you look to the drink, trying to cower back any sign of being flustered.

"Well, I feel we should get back to the group before my brother bursts ear drums looking for us," Loki rounded the bar and held out his hand. "Shall we?"

"We very well shall," you muse and take it.


"This is boring!" Tony suddenly collapses next to Ned (Peter and his gang had joined the avengers) and wrapped an arm around the star wars fanatic.

"There is booze, music and you are surrounded by friends!" Steve knew what was coming though waited to stall as long as possible until tony was too drunk to function.

"Yes, but no drama!"

"Is the brawl not enough for you, Stark?" Loki hums, pointing to the bar which the three soldiers immediately went to stop.

"No, it's not," A sudden hologram of a wheel popped up, names plastering each section.

"Oh no," you mumble and sink into your seat between Loki and Thor.

"Oh yes,"

"What is it?" Loki looked slightly concerned as the soldiers walked back, saw the wheel and tried to escape only for Wanda to settle them in a seat.

"7 Minutes in Heaven, two people spend 7 minutes in a locked closet and they do whatever they want until times up! Worst game ever,"

"But also the best game for enemies or friends to lovers," MJ coughed .

"Yes, well my life isn't a fanfic, MJ,"

"Whatever," MJ hums in amusement before making direct eye contact with the reader through the screen. "What... ever,"

"What are you looking at?" Ned tried to find the point of interest MJ had seen.

"Nothing," the girl mumbles before looking back at the wheel.

"And because our sweet sweet witch here hates the game, we have our first name!"

"Wait hold on-" you were shut up by Thor's large hand on your mouth.

"Now..." The wheel spun and you swore a bead of sweat had formed. Tick... tick... tick... the noises didn't help as each name passed. You couldn't help but hope for Loki only to be horrified when that was what you got.

"To the closet, reindeer!"

Thor clutched both you and his brother to drag to the closet. "Have fun!" Overexcitement wasn't exactly odd for Thor but he seemed extra persistent with this.



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- Anna ❤️

What sorcery is this?!: Loki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now