Chapter 40 - Bless her

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"Haven't been here since I was a young boy," Loki sighed as a fresh breeze flew by, the rest of the Avengers admiring the sight of Norway.

"Why were you here as a young boy?" You muse as the group walks down the valley to the village.

"Mother used to let us, but I actually met a girl here called Elfina, she used to live on the outskirts... right there," He pointed to a broken down cottage by the edge of the forest.

"Should I be jealous?"

"No," Loki kissed your temple. "She fell ill from the plague and Heimdall informed me of her death once Mother said I wasn't allowed to visit Midgard again,"

"I'm sorry," you mumble, feeling a little guilty for bringing it up.

"No worry, my love," Loki intertwined with you. "Now let's see the little witchling,"


The village bustled with life, people happily moved about to a rhythm where it was almost movie like. The cobblestone paths and banners hung about, glass windows displaying goods with rickety wooden signs above.

"Excuse me, could you point us to where Lydia Osmond lives?"

It was a small village, so surely everyone knew each other. "Oh, of course, my dear, she's in the orphanage down the road,"

"Orphanage?" You stutter out in confusion.

"Didn't you know? Mother and Father were cursed by some traveling merchant, left the girl alone," the woman shook her head, her greying hair moving along. "Poor girl, she came crying when she found her parents, right here to my shop, bless her,"

"Thank you, Madam," Loki bows his head before walking off with you. The heroes had left to explore leaving you and Loki alone to wander about for the girl.

"I can't believe it," you shudder at the thought, your fast pace expressing worry.


Knocking three times on the large oak doors, the dull walls contrasted with the rest of the villages brightly coloured structures.

"Yes?" a sharp older woman looked at the two of you. "Who are you?" she lowered her cat framed glasses, dusting down her slim pencil skirt.

"Y/n L/n and this is my fiancé Loki Friggason," Each hand was shook but you could feel her dark aura within the small space between.

"Pleasure... Are you here to adopt?"

"We are actually here to visit Lydia Osmond, Madam,"

Her scoff sent a rage through you as did her following sentence. "The devil child? That's a first," the oak doors swung open. "Follow me,"

Loki held you back from striking the woman, squeezing your hand softly. "Calm, my love,"

"Gretel, call Lydia,"

A smirking blonde girl grins and nods before scurrying away, taking a broom with her while she passed another girl who was cleaning the stairwell.

"So, how many girls do you hold here?" Loki changed the subject, hopeful to stop you from hexing the woman right there.


"Quite a hassle then I assume," Loki laughs.

"Not when you know the right form of discipline," The woman smirks.

"Yes, of course... I don't think we caught your name?"

"Miss Vivian Hansen,"

"Lovely name,"

"Yes, Miss Hansen?" Lydia kept her head lowered.

"There are guests here to see you, Lydia," the woman snarls. "Look up, don't be rude," Lydia flinched as the woman lifted her chin. Your blood boiled but focused at the surprise on Lydia's face.

"Hey, Lyds," you bend down to her height.

"Y/n? Loki?" as her tears fell so did yours, she rushed into your arms, clutching you tight. "I missed you so much!" Her muffled voice sent a chuckle through Loki as he bent down to hug her as well.

"We missed you too,"


Loki poked at the solidified rock of sugar, trying to get any spoon full for his rather questionable tea.

"Don't bother, the sugar isn't even good," Lydia chuckles as she sipped at her water. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Well... Loki and I are engaged and we wanted to invite you to the wedding,"

"Really?? Woah!" The girl marvels at the rings. "That's so cool! But..." she looks around to see Miss Hansen in the corner. "Miss Hansen doesn't allow us to leave unless we've been adopted..."

"Do you enjoy it here?" you mumble as Loki stood up and walked to Miss Hansen. The girl looked to see Loki lead Miss Hansen away to her office. "Don't worry about her, tell me the truth,"

"No," she said quickly. "Not one bit, I miss my mum and dad, I miss you guys and Mama, The avengers, I miss everyone!" she starts to let her sadness flow out as you moved around the table to hold her tight.

"I know, we miss you too, and I'm so sorry about your parents," kissing her crown, she sniffled again.

"It's ok... I don't miss them as much as you guys... no offence to them... I just spent more time with you guys than them,"

"I know, my sweet," You look up from the hug to see Loki nodding, holding papers in his hand. "But, you have to choose, good news or bad news?"

"Bad news," she furrows her brows.

"Well, you'll have to leave this lovely sugar rock behind..."

"Don't think that's bad news... what's the good news?"

"It's more like a question... but how does being adopted by Loki and I sound?"

"Seriously?!" Lydia threw herself on you again. "That sound's amazing! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Anything for my little witch,"



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- Anna ❤️

What sorcery is this?!: Loki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now