Chapter 10 - Back to normal

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"What do we do?!"

"Y/n, calm yourself,"

"Calm?! The babies are gone!"

"Panicking will do no good-"

"He's right," both of you snap your heads to Tony who smirked.

"The potion wore off?" Soon each Avenger flooded in with smiles. "Thank the gods," face planting back into the couch, Loki sighed in relief before sitting next to you.

"So exactly what happened while we were... ya know..."

"You don't remember anything?" Looking up to face the group you were faced with shaking heads, except Vision who smiled softly. A knowing look passing his eyes.

"All we remember was eating dinner then waking up there surrounded by toys, with you two sleeping on the couch," Sam grins.

"Taking care of all of you is incredibly draining, so if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to sleep," taking a blanket to lay over yourself, you were asleep in no time.


"Beaches, oh how I love and despise you,"

"Come on, Doll, it ain't that bad," Buck nudges you with the rest of the group. "What's to despise?"

"One word... Sand,"

"That's like the best part!" With the childish boys running off happily, the more sensible lot to find a good spot to set up.

Letting your magic set up what was needed, you crack open a soda and lean back onto your towel.

"Swimming time, L/n,"

"You'll have to drag me," you shoot back to Nat who was taking off her shorts and top to reveal a lovely red and black swimsuit. "Bruce," you cough at the scientist who was staring with a deep blush.

"What? Oh... sorry," he whispers.

"You know I'll drag you," sticking out your tongue at the assassin, you feel your leg being tugged and dragged across the sand.

"Alright! Gods!" You groan and dust the sand out of your hair. "Let me take my clothes off first," taking off your clothes and tossing them to the side you look to Wanda and Vision. "Want to join?"

"No, thank you... can't really," Vision replies as he and Wanda continued their talk.

"What about you, Lokes?" Turning to the god you saw a slight tint on his pale cheeks as he looked up at you.

"I guess it would be better to join,"


"I-I'm alright," he mumbles, holding up a bag of dried banana chips and a string theory book.

"Suit yourself," shrugging to turn back to Loki, he had rid himself of his green shirt. If you hadn't been nudged in the side by Nat, you might've stayed staring for centuries... but who could blame you?

"Last one in the water is a rotten egg," Romanoff dashed away.

"Dammit, Nat!" Sprinting away after her, you saw the water rise up and down the shore. Conjuring up a spell book, you cast a spell which caused the waves to move further and further from Nat and closer to you.

"No magic!" She groans as you splash in the salty sea.

"Sore loser," you stick out your tongue and dive further in, pushing back your hair when you reached the surface.

"It's got me!" Pietro screeches in agony making everyone swim over.

"Pietro... it's seaweed," Peter mumbles with a deadpan look.

"Get it off!"

Bucky reached in the water and got rid of it. "There, done, now stop crying... it's not like there was a shark,"

"Shark huh?" You mumble quietly to yourself. Sending a blue spark through the water, a great white shark illusion casted itself and slowly swam up.

"SHARK!" Sam screams and jumps into Bucky's arms.

"Everyone out now!" The avengers start to make a dash for it while you pretend to stand shocked.

"Y/n!" Clint called out a warning as Loki swam over to get you out the way.

Suddenly the great white's jaw open and engulf you, sending ree through the salty water.

"Y/N!" The group screams, Loki moving back as the shark swam up to him menacingly.

There was a shimmer of blue along the teeth of the animal which hinted to exactly what was going on.

"Brother! Get away!" But it seemed it was too late, Loki was eaten instantly by the giant creature. "Loki!"

"Boo!" The group screams bloody murder as you and Loki pop up behind them.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Tony yells.

"I thought you died," Peter ran up to you and took you into a hug.

"Oh, Peter, if I was going to die it would be in the hands of my mortal enemy and not a shark," you kiss his forehead as the group glares at you. "What?"

"That was not funny," they growl.

"It was slightly amusing," Loki quipped which caused the glare to move to him.

"Were you in on this, brother?"

"No, though it took just a second for me to catch on to Y/n's brilliant scheme,"

"That wasn't nice, Doll," Bucky drops Sam onto the sand as he picked up a passed out Pietro.

"Sorry, Sergeant, I'll do something more tame like switching the sugar with salt next time," you salute to which the solider nod in agreement. "Just kidding, I'm going to continue to have fun with my new bestie," you wrap an arm around Loki who tensed at the contact.

"You are insufferable," Nat sighs.

"And it's all for you, my darling," you coo to Nat who narrows her eyes.



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- Anna ❤️

What sorcery is this?!: Loki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now