Chapter 29 - Red carpet

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With flashing lights across the red carpet laid out, celebrities, CEOs, old money families and even royalty was there. Gliding gracefully across the velvet, allowing each angle to be seen and flaunted.

Like a circus, all waited for the main act while the side shows entertained.

Then it happened, the main act:

The Avengers.

But two faces stood out, Lydia and Peter, of course Peter was here as an intern and not spidey so that would be alright... Lydia's reason was a little more secret, leaving the press wondering.

God were they going to have a field day with pictures of you and Loki holding the girl's hand.

Tony led the group, holding Pepper tight by his side. A few reporters stopped the group, frothing for a story like rabid beasts.

Of course you couldn't help but stop when you saw Buzzfeed waving their microphone with yellow dot plastered with a big bold word across it.

"Please?" Lydia pleads, pointing to the reporter.

"Alright," the three of you make your way over.

"Y/n, you look gorgeous! Who are you wearing?"

"Who knows, Tony decided to strip me of my choice," you scoff playfully.

"Well you look amazing as usual," the journalist looked to Loki. "And no surprise you look handsome as ever,"

"Thank you, Lady...?"

"Anna Watson, Buzzfeed news," she held out her free hand.

"Well, Lady Anna, thank you for the compliment though it should be reciprocated, you look beautiful,"

"Silver tongue," she smirks before looking down to Lydia. "What's your name?"

"Lydia Osmond, Ma'am," the ginger held out her small hand, letting Anna shake it firmly.

"And why are you here with these two?" Anna looked for an answer more so from you.

"Lydia is a under the apprenticeship of my old teacher who couldn't make it tonight so she's left me with the rascal," You groan as Lydia nudges your leg.

"Is she a witch as well?"

"Yes! I'm nearly 233, and Y/n says I'm getting pretty good!"

"233?" Anna's face drains.

"Oh, yes, witches and wizards live to 2,500 years old, half the age Asgardians do," Loki quips, placing a warning hand on Lydia who snickers.

"And how old are you two... if you don't mind me asking?"

"I'm 600 so 20 in human years and Loki is... 1,300?" he nods in approval. "Which is 22 in human years... if my math is correct,"

"So you've lived through many eras?"

"Too many!"

Loki smiled softly as you rambled on about the many centuries. Lydia grinned up at the god who caught her stares. "What is it, witchling?" he whispers, hopeful not to disturb your talking.

"Nothing," the little girl giggles just as the interview took a turn.

"Well, I actually need to know if you've seen the fanart?"

"Fanart?" You hoped not to show the nervousness on your face.

"Yup, it seems the fans love you two as a duo and maybe more!" Anna points to you and Loki. She held up small picture showing fanart of you and Loki brewing a potion. "These are some of the cute ones," she continued to swipe, one was of you and the god fighting on the tower balcony with magic, another of you two in the snow cuddling and the last one of you two sharing a kiss.

"Ew!" Lydia covered her eyes. "Gross!"

"(you and Loki ship name) is also trending on Tumblr," Anna chuckles as you and Loki meet eyes before averting with blushes. "Are you two dating?"

"No!" You and Loki immediately say in a haste.

"Well, I think I've taken enough of your time, have a nice evening guys,"

"T-Thanks, Anna," you wave the grinning brunette goodbye.

"Oh how the fanfic material blossoms in my head," she grins to the camera.


Music blared through, though it was more elegant, classy like a Vienna ballroom two hundred years ago. The streamers and lighting was soft toned, warming the scene like the renaissance. Snow white table clothes draped with golden confetti and bouquets of lilies were surrounded by honey stained wooden chairs, ribbons tying around the back into a bow.

In front of a stage where music was being played live from was a large dance floor fit for the hundreds of people there.

What was very well thought was the small section with video games and such for younger guests. You couldn't help but internally scream as a few celebs you fawned over passed by.

Each seat was labelled, ready to accompany its assigned guest for a long night.

Emma Watson and Tom Felton passed which made you nearly stumble over Lydia who stopped in front of you. "Don't stop so suddenly," you pat her shoulder, following her eyes to a boy you recognize from JoJo Rabbit; Roman Griffin Davis, JoJo himself.

"Absolutely not," Loki caught on and dragged Lydia away. "No boys,"

"Oh come on!" Lydia whines, trying to escape his grip.

"Too young to court, witchling," Loki eventually picked up the girl and placed her in her seat between your's and his.

"Let her be, Lokes,"

"No," the stubborn god sends a glare to the unaware boy who was talking to Taika as he stood by his parents.


Food? Exquisite, beyond that in fact. But you still were hungry so the buffet table came in handy. Mingling through, a few stops for small talk on the way you reached the table and sigh in relief.

"Escaping for a snack?" You turn to the other man at the table.

"Yes, but it seems small talk is part of the daring quest," You chuckle as he does. "Tom Hiddleston, right?"

"Correct," He shakes your hand. "Y/n L/n, the witch right?"

"A humble one at your disposal, for a price," you munch down on a mini muffin.

"I don't think I'm in need of a spell, but thank you," his smile was entrancing yet oddly familiar. "I don't recommend the punch... I think someone spiked it with something extra strong," he points to the purple drink in an ice bowl.

"I'm dead set on Clint using Thor's Asgardian liquor," a look of confusion passes his face. "Clint is Hawkeye and Thor's liquor is very strong and 'not for mortal men' as he warned us many times,"


And for my final act I have made the fourth wall disappear!

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And for my final act I have made the fourth wall disappear!

- Anna ❤️

What sorcery is this?!: Loki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now