Chapter 3 - Lokitty

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"Would you for once stop being yourself?! One second, Loki!"

"I did nothing wrong you oaf!"

"You are unbelievable, honestly, you act like a spoiled cat! No wonder father favours me over you!" Thor clasps a hand over his mouth as Loki leaned back. "Loki, I didn't-" with a shimmer of green Loki shrunk into a black cat. "No, Loki, I didn't mean it-"

Loki hisses as Thor tries to pick him up, pouncing off the gods face before scampering away.



"I- I love you like a love song, baby!" bopping your head along to the song as you flipped your pancakes you hear the ringing of a collar bell. Looking to the living room, you saw a black cat sauntering around, ripping up the couch. "Oh my god..."

Turning off the stove you walk over. "Hello, my love, how did you get up here?" the cat stared up at you with a confused look. "You are gorgeous! Come here," opening your arms, the cat pounces over. "Friendly kitty,"

It meows into your ear making you giggle. "You remind me of a certain god with those emerald eyes," nuzzling the cat in your arms you walk to your room with the plate of pancakes.

The cat meows smugly, at least that's what you thought. "What should I call such a handsome boy?" It jumps out your arm and explores the plant crammed room. He knocks over a few jars which crash. "Mischievous... I'll have to name you Lokitty,"

It purrs in amusement before jumping onto your vanity and admiring itself. "A little self centered just like him," It hisses in response. "Alright, I was joking, you're not self centered,"

Lokitty moves between plants before purring against the catnip. "You've found it," chuckling lightly you place a bit in a satchel before taking Lokitty and the bag to your bed. "I think we should find your owner,"

It hisses again which makes you tilt your head. "Don't like your owner? Odd... Let's see if I can take you off their hands,"

It meows in agreement before tossing the bag in the air and curling into your lap, tilting it's face as you stared in awe. "What? Can't I watch you be adorable?"

It rolls its emerald eyes, the glint of mischief behind it seeming a little familiar to the same God who came no more than a week ago. "Loki would really like you, I'm sure he's a cat person,"

Lokitty purrs in response as you scratch behind his ear. The cat lets you snuggle against it's fur. "Why does a cat smell like mint and old books? You odd kitty," cuddling closer you smile. "This may just be my new favourite smell,"


"You don't like anyone do you?" after introducing Lokitty to everyone, it seemed the only people he didn't hiss at was Peter and you. You wanted to show him to Loki and Thor but the gods seemed to be missing.

"How did he even get up here?"

"I don't know, but I'm happy he did,"

"Friends, have you seen Loki?" Thor runs into the room with a heavy breath. "Loki!" The god walks over to the cat who was perched on your shoulder.

"Wait what?"

"I can't believe he still refuses to change back," Thor tried to take the cat only to earn a scratch to the hand.

"Wait... Loki?" You look at the cat who meows innocently. "Oh gods- you- Loki!" you take him from your shoulder and place him on the floor. "You were Loki this entire time?!"

"He does this whenever he's upset, give him an excuse to scratch people," Thor grumbles.

"Upset?" Loki points to Thor and hisses. "You boys are coming with me," hoisting the cat back into your arms and pulling Thor by the ear you lock your bedroom door. "What happened?"

"Loki was being a mewling arse," Thor complained which caused Loki to lash out from your arms.

"Loki, let him speak," you nod to Thor.


"I'm sorry for my words, brother, I didn't mean such things," Thor looks to Loki who was taking a nap. "Loki!"

"Loki, it's your turn... that means changing back,"  you coo at him.

The cat rolls his eyes and changes back, a shimmer of green to reveal him back to normal. Combing back his raven hair he smiles at Thor. "Thank you, Thor, for coming to your senses," this earned him a nudge to the side from you. "Alright! I'm sorry for causing you distress and chaos, I regret my actions and ask for forgiveness,"

"Good, now hug," before Loki could protest he was put in a bone crushing hug by Thor.

"Can't... Breathe..." He wheezes.

"That's enough, Thor," patting the thunder god, he let's go. "Now, is this ordeal over?"

"Yes," they hum in unsion.

"Good, now let's go get some food because gods I am hungry!" shooing them out your room you walk down the hall with Loki by your side.

"So you enjoy my smell?" Loki muses from beside you.

"W-what?" You stutter out, avoiding eye contact with him.

"You said I smelt like mint and old books... declared that it was your new favourite scent," he quips.

"I- Oh, shut up," punching his arm, you walk off in a fluster.


What do you think Loki would smell like?

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What do you think Loki would smell like?

- Anna ❤️

What sorcery is this?!: Loki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now