Chapter 39 - Proposal switch

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"Are you sure?"

"Yes!" Lydia giggles, hugging Loki tight as she placed down her leather suitcases. "I'm going to miss you,"

"I will miss you too, little one," Loki kissed her forehead as you placed a hand on his shoulder.

"You two are too cute," the now older girl hugs you tight. Two and a half years had gone by since Loki first came to earth to start his sentence. Two years since you both got together.

Lydia had become like a daughter to both of you, though neither of you ever verbally admitted it.

And it still hadn't hit you that she was leaving and going back home to her mother all the way in Norway. Tony as well as the rest of the team grew fond of Lydia quickly which is why the ginger was going on Tony's private jet with Mama to escort her back home.

"Try not to cause too much trouble, Lyds," you and Loki sandwich her with kisses to the cheek.

"I won't," using her knitted sleeves, she wiped away the kisses with a playful grimace.


"Breathe, My love," Loki cooed into your ear. "You will see her again," It had now hit that Lydia was gone and you were struck with a wave of tears.

"She's gone!"

"Not forever gone, we can visit her once she has settled back home," A single snowflake fell on your red nose.

"Stop using your snow to make me smile," you couldn't help but to do just that.

He pulled you into his lap, cradling you tightly, kisses draped across your cheek as snow fell on your head. "Your smile brings me such joy, Enchantress, why would I stop the source of my happiness?"

"You're so cheesy,"

"Like the fondue Rogers often quotes when complaining about our escapades in the bedroom," he teases your blush with another soft kiss, this time to your lips.

"Shut up," your flustered eyeroll makes him grin and roll over so you both were cuddled flush against the pillows.

~A year later~

Your boots crunched against the pavement, imprinting in the soft snow. Shivering temperatures shot through you, Loki's warm hands covering your curious eyes.

"Are we there yet?" You asked for the hundredth time that evening.

"Nearly, my love," suddenly at a halt, Loki moved around you. "Keep your eyes closed,"

"Yeah, yeah," scrunching up your face and holding your eyes shut tightly a moment passed before you were allowed to open.

"You may open them," eyes snapped open to see fairy lights strung around, contrasting with the icy white that fell from the heavens.

But what shook you, made you freeze in shock was Loki.

On one knee.

Holding a velvet box with a gold (or silver, if you want) ring. Twisted like vines, the metal wrapped perfectly around to hold an emerald, curled into a secure blooming flower.


"Remember this place? This is where I showed my Jotun form, you accepted me for it and in that very moment I knew I fell head over heels for you," Loki's hand visibly shook.

"I always dreamed for you to become my wife, so we could spend centuries together in each other's arms. I never mustered enough courage, definitely after our arguments, I was always sure you would leave but every time, you came back to me, told me you loved me, that you'd never leave me,"

A shaky breath escaped him as he looked up at you with those glossy green eyes. "I love you, and I know, when you wake up to tell me you love me the moment you set eyes on me, that you really do,"

"You are the most intelligent, powerful, gorgeous and heaven like woman in all nine realms and beyond that. You never fail to bring a smile to my face, make a laugh escape me or make my heart flutter... I love you,"

Tears streamed down your eyes as he took your own trembling hand in his. "So, Y/n L/n, the love of my life, my soulmate, will you do me the absolute honour of marrying me?" The ring left the box and was lifted to your finger.

"Yes..." You mumble quietly.

"Pardon?" He asks teasingly and almost in disbelief.

"Yes! A thousand times yes, dumbass!" Flinging yourself into his arms the moment the cold metal slipped on, Loki held you tight, pulling back to place a soft and thankful kiss on your lips. "I was starting to think I'd have to propose,"

"You?" he scoffs, not bothered by the snow which dampened his knees.

"Yes," you started to fiddle in your pockets and pulled out a black ring with a row of emeralds engraved in it. "So It's my turn,"

"What-" You pushed Loki to stand up as you got on one knee.

"I'm not letting this speech go to waste," taking a deep breath you started, "Loki Friggason, Prince of Asgard, rightful king of Jotunheim and God of mischief and lies, you have brought into my dull life, love, care and joy. From your stupid pranks, petty acts when jealous, and cute moments like being little spoon, I won't be able to thank you enough,"

A blush reached his cheeks as you went on. "I gave up on love centuries ago, even said it was for children, if you can recall that night you had dinner with Mama, Lydia and I in the shop for the first time,"

"I had been so desperate I settled with a random man who I thought could have been my true love for a month when he treated me like trash when my real soulmate stuck by my side through it all. Reminded me of my worth and more. Risked his life to save me and stupidly let Lydia come along-"

"In my defense I didn't know she came on board until it was too late,"

"Shh I'm not finished," You glare at him, mumbling to yourself to see where you had left off. "Through sickness and health, thick and thin, stupidity and intelligence, I still came back to you, because I love you... so so much and I couldn't imagine spending my life without you,"

"So, Loki Friggason, and all those extra titles I'm too lazy to say... Will you do me the honour of marrying me?"

"You must be stupid to think I wouldn't say yes after that," The god lifted you to your feet after the ring was placed on his finger. "I love you, Enchantress," sharing another soft moment, a bottle was popped as the avengers enter alongside Mama, cheering like idiots.

"The only thing I learned from this is that Loki likes to be little spoon," Tony grins making the ice under him suddenly move to let him hit the ground with a thud. "Ok, I deserved that,"



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But we aren't done yet!

- Anna ❤️

What sorcery is this?!: Loki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now