Chapter 8 - Breakfast

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"Goodnight, Peter," kissing the spiderling goodnight, you place him back into the crib and sigh.

"You sing beautifully,"

Grasping at your mouth, you stare wide eyed at Loki. "How long have you been there?"

"Long enough to know that you made me leave to sing them to sleep,"

"Yeah, well, I don't exactly like singing in front of people..." the god looks to the sleeping children. "Let me rephrase that, I don't exactly like singing in front of people who can process good from bad,"

"Oh quiet with those thoughts, Y/n," he scoffs. "Your voice coos sweeter than birds in Valhalla,"

A pink tint dusts over your cheeks. "Thanks, Loki," he nods softly, before settling down on the bed. "I'm guessing we'll be needing to keep an eye on them?"

"Sadly," after a gentle punch to the arm, he laughs. "I'm jesting, I do quite enjoy this... less barbaric than their usual state,"

"No, we cannot keep them as babies,"

"Way to ruin my dreams, Y/n," he frowns.

"You'll get over it, but I think we should get as much sleep as we can," clicking into an oversized shirt, you crawl into bed and groan at Tony's strong cologne.

"We will be residing in the same bed?" Loki looks around at the sleeping babies.

"We are adults, sleeping in the same bed is hardly a scandal," You mumble, cuddling with one of the many pillows on the bed.

"Apologies, I would guess not," after a shimmer of green you turn over and blush at the sight of Loki's lean chest. Averting your gaze to the ceiling, you feel the mattress sink and the blanket move. "Goodnight, Y/n,"

"Night, Lokes," You mutter before shutting off the lights, staring off out the view of New York. Watching as diamonds glinted in the night sky, one last look was given to the baby avengers before you drifted off.


With a cry ringing out, a whine for the ages if you were to be honest, you groaned and rolled around.

"I'm coming," shivering at the cold floor, you take a moment to wake up until Loki mumbled a miracle.

"Go back to bed, I'll handle it,"

"Don't have to tell me twice," face back against the pillow, your soft snore continues. Loki walked over to Wanda who was letting tears drop from her rosy cheeks.

"Yes, yes, don't worry," he mumbles softly. Bobbing her up and down on his shoulder, she slowly moved back into her dreams. "Goodnight, Lady Wanda," facing the bed again he sighs softly at the sight of you taking up the entire thing.

Shifting you to the side, he slips back into the bed before feeling you move closer and cuddle close to him. Tensing up at the contact, your calm breathing relaxed him until his eyes drooped lower and lower.


Sighing softly you cuddle the source of warmth closer to you. A smile grazing your lips until you listened in to the heartbeat under you. Not yours... meaning-

Looking up you meet sight with a sleeping Loki. His tussled hair tickling against the top of your head, lips letting out smooth breaths.

"Shit..." moving away as quietly as you could, you were pulled back in causing a yip to leave you. "L-Loki?" You whisper.

"Five more minutes, darling," he mumbles almost incoherently.

"Loki... It's me, Y/n..." his hum responded only to hitch in his throat as he snapped his eyes open and moved away. "Morning," you greet sheepishly.

"Very sorry, Y/n,"

"That's ok..." a snicker escapes you. "Your hair is a bit of mess,"

"You expect me to keep it neat while asleep?" He snarls, combing it back with his pale fingers leaving your eyes to trail around his figure but snapping back up when he clears his throat. "Better?"

"Eh," crawling over, you run a hand through his hair and neat it out. "Boom, all fixed,"

Looking back down to meet his look, the proximity raised a shade to your cheeks, heart racing faster than Pietro chasing an Ice Cream truck.

Speaking of Pietro, it seemed he was wide awake. "N/n!" He cries out making you and Loki jump back.

"Hey, Pietro," you walk over to his crib and smile softly. "Bright and early, my little speedster,"

Another whine rung out and soon all the avengers were crying. With babies in hand and in tow floating in the air, Loki and you started on breakfast and placed them on the carpet with toys.

"Who wants breakfast?" the babies stop their nagging and try to grasp and the cascading bowls.

"N/n!" Steve gives puppy dog eyes before babbling off gibberish.

"What are you saying, soldier?"

"He's saying he wants to watch the movie the song you sang last night was from," Vision informs.

"What the..." Loki drops the bowl of cereal he was helping Natasha with. "Did the toaster just speak?"

"I did," It was so odd to see a small red figure speak so fluently with a deep voice.

"Hold the phone... you could talk this entire time?!"

"Yes, but I chose not to because I enjoy being pampered," Vision stood up, wobbling as he walked to the couch and picked up the remote. "Beauty and the beast was it?"

"Y-yeah..." you shrug to Loki who was just as bewildered as you.

"There we are, they will keep quiet now," Vision fiddled with his diaper before eating away at the cereal.



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- Anna ❤️

What sorcery is this?!: Loki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now