Chapter 5 - Loaf of rocks

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Serene and calming music swayed in the air, enchanting the candle lit atmosphere. Rose petals swirled around in the milk tainted bath like clouds flowing in the pale moonlight. With crystals sprawled across the bathroom from Rose Quartz to Selenite they were laid out amongst tea lights. Slipping carefully into the warm bath, the rose essential oils filled your nose, instantly calming you.

Moonlight flooded in, not a single disruption for this blue moon. That was until...

"Y/n!" snapping open your eyes you listened for another noise only to hear none. "Y/n!" There it was again.

"Just ignore it, Y/n, just ignore-"

"Y/N!" The flames went out like a striking wind blew past.

"Mother f-" grumbling to yourself, you wrapped a towel around you, stormed out your room and into the kitchen where Tony was whining. "What the hell do you want, Stark??"

"I'm hungry!" he mewls again.

"Make yourself something! I'm busy!"

"I told you not to disturb her, it's a blue moon tonight, Mr Stark," Peter mumbles from next to Pietro.

"Looking good, mi princessa!" The speedster calls.

"One more word out of you and I'll turn you into a sloth for good!" the platinum blonde whimpers and cowers under the blanket.

"Y/n, has Stark disturbed your bath?" Thor and Loki walk in. Loki blushed lightly at your state as Thor picked a rose petal from your shoulder.

"Yes, just because he was hungry! Thanks, Thor,"

"Sorry to interrupt your self love time, L/n, but my nutrition is important," Tony pouts with puppy dog eyes.

"I'm so close to strangling you!" you shriek, marching over to Tony who dived under the table. As he hid under you sent a spark right at his ass.


"Get back here, Stark!" Diving under the table with him, he screams like a little girl as you dragged him by the foot. "It's a damn blue moon! And I was having a nice milk bath with roses and candles and all my crystals!"

"I'm just hungry and you make the best sandwiches!" He whimpers.

"Make your own sandwich!" Conjuring up a loaf of bread you knock Tony over the head with it. "Now if you'll excuse I'm going to bathe in the moonlight like I originally planned,"

"Of course," the gods part to let you go back to your chambers.

"What the hell was in that loaf??" Tony groans, opening it up to see rocks. "She could have killed me!"

"Next time I intend to!" You call from the hall. Now back in your bathroom you look to your cup of thankfully still warm tea.

Beside it was a small tray of tarts, a single note to go with it.

Lady Y/n,

I do hope you enjoy these, mother always said tarts were the perfect match to a good bath.

Kind regards,

Smiling softly at the note and reading it once over, you take a bite, your smile turning bright.

"Gods these are amazing!"


"Nice night?"

"Other than Tony being an actual toddler, it was perfect!"

"I'm sorry! I was hungry!" Tony yelled from the kitchen. "Also, why the hell did you have a loaf full of rocks?!"

"To deal with you!"

"Miss L/n, you have a client appointment in half an hour," shooting up off the couch, the remote was tossed across the room to hit Sam right in the face.

"Thank you, Fri! Sorry, Sam!"


"Do you always need to dress up?" Bucky asks as you adjust your belt.

"Yes, because it sells the whole witchy vibe, and I get to do this," you spin around, the fabric from your sleeves flying like wings. "Ciao!"


"So... you want a potion that lets you talk to your pets?"

The incredibly adorable woman nods, cat fur dropping onto the velvet couch from her Cat embroider sweater. "Yes please, it would mean the world!"

"I will need to consult with a colleague, please give me a second," a blue swirl opens a gateway above another seat, Loki falling in it, his yell of terror following.

"Woah," the cat lady sighs.

"Hey, Lokitty, I need to ask you something,"

Loki settles upright and combs back his hair with a glare. "And you thought not to ask the ceiling to call for me?"

"Oh but it's so much more fun hearing you scream," grinning at the death glare, you state your inquiry. "Melody here wants a vocal spell,"

"And? That's elementary magic," Loki scoffs.

"Not for a person... for her cat Fluffy,"

"I beg your pardon?" Loki splurts. "Her furry companion? She wishes to speak with it?"

"Yes! I want to talk to Fluffy," the girl confirms.

"Well couldn't you just translate? Bring the feline here?"

Shaking your head, you look to Melody then Loki. "She wants to have a personal conversation, I think I need no input,"

"I see... have you tried an anthropomorphic spell?"

"My fear is that if we give it to fluffy he will become inanimate, that spell turns inanimate into animates before turning them back," turning back to Melody you smile. "We will get back to you,"

"Thank you so much!" giving you one big hug when you held out a hand for her to shake, she left giddily.



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- Anna ❤️

What sorcery is this?!: Loki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now