Chapter 12 - Not so well

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"You'll do fine, Loki," you adjust his tie as he looks down at you with a soft smile.

"I'm not the least bit nerves for this outing, should that be a worry?"

"Nope, that just means you're confident this date will go well!" You hand him a sleek black leather wallet with a golden snake embroidered in the corner. "Now this has enough money for the date, I'm hoping you understand how to pay and tip?"

"Yes, of course, it's not like you taught me multiple times," he muses causing you stick your tongue out at him.

"Ok, now as per requested from Tony, I'll drop you off at the restaurant, I'm sure you can make it back by foot?"

"Again, yes, it's not like we took multiple walks back and forth from the two destinations,"

"Alright, no need to bully me, let's go, Romeo,"


"Lady Jessica, you look lovely," Loki kissed her hand softly which made her giggle lightly.

"Thanks, I just got my nails done," she shows off her neon pink nails.

"Quite the choice," he smiles, holding back a grimace at the colour.

"Nice place, totally fancy, nothing like what I'm used to," the two of them enter, the hostess immediately leading them to their table. "Like, I remember this one time, this dude called Jared took me to a Mcdonalds! Like Jesus, dude, couldn't you chose something more classy?"

"Ah yes, well this seemed to be a very fine establishment," Loki looked up and down the menu, picking out his choice.


"And then," Jessica took another bite of her food before speaking with a slightly full mouth. "I was like, no, get the V neck, it totes fits you better,"

"Very interesting story," Loki was edging on leaving, this was becoming unbearable. "So, may I ask what books interest you?"

"Books? Ha, I haven't touched one of those since like, high school," she laughs. "I don't need to read, I've got like a tone of followers,"

"So what do you do if you choose not to read? Compose music or pieces of art perhaps?"

"I post pictures and sponsored videos for my YouTube channel, it has like one thousand subscribers," she boasts which makes Loki nod with a tight smile. "What about you? Read books and stuff?"

That was the first time she had asked about him. "Well, I enjoy Shakespeare-"

"That's totes cool, reminds me of this one guy," Loki internally groaned, his external face reading as interested and not bored at all.


"Brother! How was the date?" Thor looked up from the game of chess you played with him.

"Complete and utter disaster," he sighs and lays down his suit jacket on the couch before sitting on the couch beside you. "Not once was I able to input about myself, and when she did ask about me, she reversed it back onto her,"

"Aw, sorry about that, Lokes," you nudge.

"And what was more insufferable was that she doesn't read, doesn't compose music or art, no sciences of any sort, interest lay only on the opinion of others and Instagraham!"

"Instagram," you correct making him glare at you.

"Whatever it may be called, it doesn't matter because we shared not a single interest,"

"We'll find you another date, don't worry," you look back to the chess board and move a single piece to win. "Checkmate,"

"Impossible!" Thor flips the board with a scowl.

"Another round?"

"I think not! I shall not be humiliated again," the god moves to watch Tv as Loki sits down beside you and helps clean up the mess.

"What is this game?"

"It's like Tafl," you smile softly at the bright look of interest in his eyes. "But a few rules have been changed,"


"No, wait, hold on!" You throw a piece of popcorn at Loki who knocks down your queen. "Damn you,"

"It's a fair game, Enchantress,"

"It's a fair game, enchantress," you mockingly repeat. "Whatever, I don't want to play anymore,"

"You're a sore loser, Y/n,"

"Am not!" You angrily bite on your liquorice before hitting him with it.

"You dare hit a god?"

"You're more like an angry kitten with golden horns," you snark with a smirk, yelping in surprise when he tackles you to the ground.

"Take it back," he snarls playfully.

"Nope!" You giggle, only bursting out into full blown laughter as he starts to tickle your side. "L-Loki! S-stop!"

A few Avengers rush in with weapons only to lay sight on the scene. Loki had a bright smile on his face as you fought back with any power you had.

"Take it back, Enchantress,"

"Never!" You blurt out causing him to cause more havoc. "Ok! Ok I'm sorry! I take it back!" You cry out with tears threatening to spill.

"Wasn't so hard was it?" He chuckles, leaning back as you caught your breath.

"You suck," all he does is hum before standing up. "Oh, and Loki?" He looks to you again. "Don't worry about the date, she wasn't your match, I'll show you how to use Tinder tomorrow,"


"I'll explain it tomorrow," cleaning up the chess set, you give him one last smile. "Goodnight, Lokes,"

"Goodnight, Enchantress,"



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- Anna ❤️

What sorcery is this?!: Loki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now