Chapter 23 - Taste and Distaste

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"Uhm... guys?" Peter suddenly speaks up while you and Loki talked about Scott Cunningham. "Sorry to interrupt but before the others get here... I just want to ask you not to tell anyone about Flash,"

"Why not?" Loki looks to Peter by his side.

"I just don't want Aunt May or Mr Stark to get involved because I don't to make this a big deal,"

"Of course, Peter, as long as you promise to tell us if it keeps happening,"

"Alright," the young hero finishes his whipped cream and frowned when there were no more marshmallows hidden underneath. As you and Loki continued talking, the god conjured a can of whipped cream and bowl of marshmallows.

"Don't give him too much sugar," you lightly scold Loki who shrugs and takes a marshmallow from the bowl and brought it to your lips. When you close your eyes and open your mouth expectantly, you peek one eye open to see Loki eat the treat instead.

"Sorry, did you want that?"

"Asshole," you try and take a marshmallow from the bowl only for your hand to phase through. "Come on!"


It was Peter's last day until winter break and he couldn't believe it! He practically ran to the tower holding back tears. Friday of course informed you and Loki of the situation when Peter asked where you two were.

"Peter? What's wrong-" in one quick move, you and Loki were on the floor being hugged to death by the boy.

"Thank you!" Peter mumbled into the crook of both your necks.

"For what? Spiderling, what's happened?" Loki helped sit everyone up.

"Today was the first day Flash hasn't bullied me!" Peter pulled back with tear stricken eyes.

"Oh, that's great news! I'm so glad he's stopped," You wipe away his loose tears. "But if he starts again-"

"I tell one of your immediately, I know," he chuckles and hugs again. "Thank you,"

"There is nothing to thank us for, Peter," Loki mumbles, ruffling the kid's hair. "Now, how about some hot chocolate and a movie to celebrate?"

"I'd love to but I have to get home and help May," Peter stands up and slings his bag over his shoulder. "See you guys soon!"

"I'm up for a movie, if you are,"

"You had me at Hot chocolate," You conjure two mugs and walk with him to the couches.


"I HEAR HOWL!" Wanda skims across the living room floor with Pietro and Tony in tow.

"Howl?!" Nat and Bruce pop out the hall and rush to their seats as Thor rides in with Mjolnir. The three soldiers run out the elevator all sweaty and sit down like children as Vision and Clint pop through the vent.

"Howl!" Everyone was settled in not time with mugs in hands and blankets on top.

"So everyone is familiar with this movie?" Loki quips in amusement.

"More than,"


Black hair howl. That's it.

The man was gorgeous and no one could deny it. Though a few did prefer the blonde hair, your mind could not be changed!

"Wanda, catch me, I'm in love," You stand up and fall into the witches arms.

"Oh, no! Howl, you must kiss Y/n awake!" she cries to the screen as you pucker up with closed eyes.

"I like him blonde," Pietro mumbles causing a mug to be thrown at him.

"I like him blonde," You mock. "Shut your mouth, baby face,"

"I don't really like Howl," Bruce mumbles making a few gasp. "I like Seiji from Whisper of the heart,"

"You- like- Seiji- more- than-" You pretend to pass out making a few laugh. "Someone call the doctor for the doctor! He's gone mad!"

"Well, why should I like Howl?"

"Why?! He is perfection!" you rush over to the screen, placing on a pair of glasses and taking out a laser pointer you conjured up. After clearing your throat a few sigh in defeat. "Master sorcerer, beautiful hair and eyes, loving heart, cares not for war, and god does he look good in that suit!"

"Anything else you want to tell us?" Nat says in amusement.

"Yes, there is," You sit to face the screen. "I think the biggest flaw he has is when he makes women fall in love with him and leaves them, he may be a little self obsessed, and attention seeking as well as cowardly..."

"You're not helping him," Tony mumbles.

"But he changes because he falls in love with Sophie," You trail your eyes at the scene. "He really falls in love... and changes because of her, he shows her something he hasn't shown anyone before, he wants to keep her safe and would risk his own life for her,"

"Love struck, are we?" Bucky chuckles.

"Day dreaming for something like that, Barnes," you flick his nose before sighing. "And in Castle in the air which is the sequel book, Howl loves causing trouble when granting wishes for a character, which is just cute!" landing your head back it sits in Wanda's lap.

"Sound's like someone we know," she chuckles as she runs a hand through your hair.

"Know? If you find me a real life Howl, you need to tell me instantly so I can buy a ring," you chuckle half jokingly, and turn back to the screen as the group smirks, looking from you to Loki.

Though of course, Loki had focused his dark gaze on the moving animation, jealousy boiling in the pit of his stomach.

When you slipped back into your seat beside him and too your mug, he turned to you.

"Enjoying the movie?" You smile when you met eyes with him.

"Very much so," hiding the distaste he has for the wizard deuteragonist, he watches the sparkle in your eyes as the reflection bounced off each wave of colour on your iris.

But when he looked to Howl, he gave out a low scoff behind his mug, stopping his thoughts only when you leaned closer to him, stealing a marshmallow from his drink.

"That was mine," he hisses jokingly.

"Now it's mine," you stick out your tongue and chew on the sweet.



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- Anna ❤️

What sorcery is this?!: Loki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now