Chapter 1 - Still got it

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"Stop using the damn kitchen for your potions!" Music blasted through the speakers as you stirred the concoction.

"What? Can't hear you!" singing happily back to Tony, you take a spoonful just as the elevator chimed to reveal Thor and a stranger. "Thor!" blowing on the spoonful of syrup you skip over and bring it to his lips.

"I would rather not, Y/n,"

"Oh, you're no fun," turning to the new comer you contemplate. "I would ask you to try this but I wouldn't want to scare you off... Pietro!"

"That is Y/n, she is a very skilled witch and quite the jester," Thor smiles as Pietro takes a mouth full of the purple liquid and turns into a snail.

"Ha!" Picking up the snail you admire the silver shell. "Perfection," kissing the snail quickly you put it on your shoulder and start to bottle the potion.

"She seems very child like for a skilled witch," Loki scoffs.

"I may be childish but I have over 600 years of knowledge on how to deal with men like you,"

"There are no men like me, mortal," Loki snarls at you.

"If you're any different then it'll be a fun learning process," moving Pietro off your shoulder and into your arm you walk to the fridge. "How about a nice strawberry?"

"Over six hundred?"

"Witches can live up to half our life span... but it is time to introduce you to the tower, properly," Thor looks to the ceiling. "Friday, would you so kindly announce our arrival?"

"Of course, Mr Odinson,"

"Is there a person living in the ceiling?" Loki mumbles bewildered.

"That is the artificial intelligence Stark installed,"


"You can't just bring a criminal here without telling us!"

"He could try to kill us! Again!"

"Mr Stark-"

"Not now, kid, adults are talking,"

"Thor, I don't think this is a good idea,"

"We don't have any protection if he chooses to pull some magic crap on us!"

"How do we know he isn't doing it already?"

"Oh will you all stop whining!" wiping off ash from your hands you reveal yourself from the hall. "Honestly, for adults you act like toddlers,"

"Y/n, you know what he did!"

"I don't know what he did, and I don't care to ask, all we need to know is if he's willing to cooperate," sitting down beside Cap who was eyeing the green god, you hold your clean hand out to Loki. "I don't think we've formally met, I'm Y/n L/n,"

"Loki, Prince of Asgard, the Rightful King of Jotunheim, God of Mischief and lies," he says, grimacing at your hand.

"Oh!" You squeal. "You're Loki! You were one of the few gods I studied two hundred years ago. My friend has the biggest alter dedicated to you," laughing lightly, the Avengers stare at you.

"Uh, Y/n, this isn't the same Loki from the books, this psycho tried to take over New York and kill us!"

"Calm down, Stark, he won't try anything,"

"How do you know?" Clint growls.

"Is my intuition ever wrong?" after a collective sigh you smile. "Good, now I think we should get you settled,"

"Wait- hold on, L/n," spinning on your heel to Tony he looks for an excuse but comes up with none. "Nevermind,"

"Well, Loki, you can have the room beside Thor's, you'll have your own bathroom and everything," leading the two gods down the hall you stop and pick up Pietro. "Trying to escape?" The former speedster opens his mouth hopefully. "Alright... Thor, can you show him to his room? Pietro is getting hungry,"

"Of course, follow me, brother,"


"Knock knock!"

"Was there a point in saying the action if you were to do so anyways?" Loki snarls when he opens his door.

"It's a habit... May I come in?"

"For what reason?"

"To help you decorate, of course! I know your powers are a little drained so I think you should save them for something else,"

Loki opened the door with a quirked brow. "You knew of my drained energy and chose not to assure the team of their safety by using my drained magic as a reason?"

"They don't need to know about such a thing, it's not exactly the most comforting thing for a magic user," blowing into your hands twice you rub the together as they ignite with a blue flame. "I'm guessing you want something elegant with green, black and gold?"

"What made you think such a thing?" He scoffs sarcastically.

"I have a great intuition," focusing on the sparks, you send them to every corner to engulf the room until everything jittered and changed into new furniture. Wallpaper stripped down from the ceilings as the curtains twisted into knots before tightening and realizing to reveal velvet versions. Sparks shot from the bathroom as the lights dimmed from a blinding light to a warm tone. "Still got it," shaking away the smoke, Loki walked around.

"Impressive for a mortal,"

"You may be a god, but Thor told me even you are mortal," his eye roll made a smile tug at your lips before you turned to leave. "Enjoy your stay, your majesty,"

"Yes, thank you," Loki dismisses you with a hand before admiring the work.


Keyboard go brrr

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Keyboard go brrr

- Anna ❤️

What sorcery is this?!: Loki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now