Chapter 15 - It worked

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"This is delectable, Madam," Loki continued to eat the traditional Jambalaya.

"Call me Mama, child,"

The god agrees as you bring up a new topic. "So how has surviving here been?"

Mama turns to you with a glare. "Don't you bring that up, dealing with you was the worst century of my life!"

Lydia snickers as you stick your tongue out. "It's nice here, but I can't wait to get back to mum,"

"Century? You worked as an apprentice?" Loki muses, looking to the two adult witches.

"Yup, I worked for Mama Delphine for a solid one hundred years,"

"And it would have been more tolerable if Y/n wasn't fawning over boys instead of studying,"

"I feel targeted and I am not appreciating it," You huff, sitting back in your chair with a glare.

"Never took her for the type," He smirks.

"She definitely had a type, it was always the quiet boy in the corner with a book in his hand," before you could interrupt Mama went on. "Don't deny it! There was Francis, Henry, Edward, Christopher-"

"Ok! We get it! I had a type, so what? It's not like I actually dated any of them,"

"That was another problem, the boys just didn't see what an amazing girl Y/n was, judging her because she was a witch," Mama Delphine sighs, watching your moodily play with your food. "But alas she has given up on love, isn't that right, Mon chouchou?"

"Love is for children," you grumble as a small frown faltered upon Loki's lips. "I need to focus on my work,"

"Is that why you're on Tinder?" Lydia coughs.

"Shut up, it's no like that damn app works, anyone I match with either wants a spell or... the dirty," you say, covering Lydia's ears from the last part. Downing the rest of your wine, Mama Delphine rolls her eyes.

"Which leads me to my newest spell," the voodoo witch stands up and plucks a hair from your head. As your rub the sore spot she placed the strand in a jar and sets it on fire. "The true love spell I'm sure will work,"

"Seriously? What's meant to happen?"

"Well, if it works, your true love should show up in the next minute,"

You hum sarcastically as you waited in silence for a minute. Not a single person turning up. Typical. "Does that mean I don't have a true love?" You snicker, with a soft tone of sadness.

"I'm sure I miscalculated the timing-" downstairs, the doorbell rung out making you jump slightly. "Or not..."

"Whatever, I'll get it then... See if it's my prince charming!" You coo before excusing yourself and leaving. "Sorry, welcome to Enchant supply shop, how may I help you?"

The dashing young man adjusted his glasses, smiling fondly at you. "Hi, I was just wandering if you had any dragon's blood?"

"If we didn't have any I would be a little concerned," You laugh lightly, sliding across the shelf using the ladder, climbing up to grab a bottle of the powder. "Will a bottle do?"

"That would be more than perfect," he fiddles in his pockets for money. "How much?"

"That would be a good question... Mama!"

"Yes, yes, Mon chouchou, I'm here," the woman gasps in delight. "Such a handsome young man! What can I do for you?"

"Just in need for dragon's blood," he smiles, pointing to the bottle you held.

"Eight dollars, my child," As he paid, you couldn't help but blush at the small glances he gave you.

"Thank you so much," he seemed hesitant to leave which you caught onto.

"Anything else I can help you with?" As Mama Delphine left, he scratches the back of his neck.

"Well... I was wondering if you wanted to grab a coffee with me sometime?"

This took you by surprise, but you nodded anyways, ignoring the three looming figures by the stairs. "Sure... I'll give you my number," scrambling for a piece of paper and pen you note it down and handed it over.

"Great! I'll text you?"

"Sounds good," With that, he left and boy were you smitten.

"My spell worked!" you jump at the cry from the older witch.

"It did not, a minute passed,"

"Predictions can often be wrong, but a few seconds is not a large difference,"


"So, I suppose you are planning to take up that offer of a date with that sorcerer?"

"I think so... It's the first time I've been properly asked out," You admit, the soft footsteps from you and Loki echoing down the dimly lit New York street.

"Does he interest you?"

"Can't know for sure... but he seems nice, so I'll give it my best go!"

Loki hums as he looks down to see you rub your hands together. Soon his suit jacket fell from his shoulders and onto yours. "You seemed cold,"

"Thanks, Lokes,"

"You're welcome, Enchantress," he wraps an arm around you comfortingly, but gods did your heart skip one too many beats.


Anyways I'm crying because

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Anyways I'm crying because... Because why not

- Anna ❤️

What sorcery is this?!: Loki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now