Chapter 6 - Tired

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Quills scratched along parchment. Loki had flipped through the fifth book in the collection, his eyes drooping slightly as the words barely processed in his head. Another page turned, at this point Loki rested his head on his palm, mindlessly staring at the coffee stain on the page.

"Sleepy?" you place down a cup of hot chocolate for him.

"What gave it away?" he mumbles.

"Just guessing," giving out a yawn yourself you sipped at the steaming drink before laying your head in the crook of your elbow. "No time to give up, we're nearly there,"

"You're correct, there are only two books left," Loki shook his head, trying to rid the thought of sleep from his head. "Staying up will be no difficult task,"


"For the love of the nines," the trickster groaned, a crack releasing tension in his back. The stars had risen well beyond, it seemed the moon was a few hours away from being replaced by the sun.

His eyes trailed down to your slumped over figure. A small snore escaping your lips which caused a smile to play at his sleepy lips. Dragging himself around to you, he lifted you up carefully and placed you on your bed. Watching you curl up against the soft covers, he pulled the thick duvet over you, for your messed up hair coats over the pillows.

"Sleep well, Enchantress," moving to the door, he put out the last candle and left for his own chambers to hopefully continue sleeping for what was left of the night.


"Morning," tussling your bed head around, you see a few sprawled around the lounge.

"Morning, Lady Y/n,"

"When did you leave?" You ask Loki as you sipped at the tea Wanda handed you.

"Right after you fell asleep at your desk, I decided it was best to rest up,"

Humming, you pondered your thoughts when Wanda spoke up. "What is it?"

"Nothing... I just woke up in my bed this morning," with a thumb, you rub out a tension in your neck. "Thank gods, or I would have been in so much pain this morning,"

Loki hums in agreement, looking down at his book as Wanda eyed him with a smirk.


"And this will last how long?"

"A minute, the dose isn't strong enough for how long Melody would want it," Loki eyed the green liquid in the bowl of milk before sighing and changing into his cat form. "Go on, Lokitty,"

Loki hisses at you before l drinking the mixture. After a moment and a few hisses at the taste, Loki looked up and spoke. "Does it work?" using his paws he clasps over his button nose.

"Success!" You squeal and pick him up. "Woohoo!"

"Put me down, mortal! I'm feeling nauseous!" He groans, holding his whiskers.

"Sorry, I'm just really happy!" Loki swayed from side to side before shaking his head and sitting down.

"We still have to wait to see if the potion wears off," He licks his paws before staring up at your wide eyes and grin. "What?"

"You are adorable as a cat!"

"Yes, yes, thank you," he mumbles before strutting away and climbing upon your row of plants. "Where is that intoxicating plant?" his emerald eyes widen, rubbing his fur against the catnip. "This is quite nice,"

"Gods this is weird," you chuckle and pick him up.

"Wait! Let me resume my task! I must protect the plant!" He hisses, scratching at your gloved hands.

"You can do that later, Lokitty," placing him on the bed and checking the time, a minute has passed. "Alrighty, minutes up, try speaking,"

A meow escapes his lips which makes you punch the air in success. Another more distressed meow escapes his lips this time.

"What?" he claws at the air. "Can't you change back?" with a angry shake of his head, you burst into laughter. "Oh well, have fun," walking out your room, Loki scampers after you meowing like a mad man- or cat.


"I think we've been looking at this wrong," Loki hums for you to continue. "What if to make Fluffy talk to Melody, we get melody to understand Fluffy?"

Loki slams his book shut and sits up to face you. "Of course! Why didn't I think of that?!"

"Because I'm the brains of this duo, your majesty,"

"I am hopeful that thought makes you sleep well at night," Loki snarks.

"It does," taking out your cauldron, Loki starts to round up the ingredients as he rolls his eyes.


"Take this vial and wait one minute until it settles into your system, then have fun talking with Fluffy!"

Melody takes the vial with a bright grin. "Thank you so much!" engulfing both you and Loki in a hug, she lets go and pays instantly. "Thank you again!"

"No problem, Melody," as she left, you turn to Loki with a smug smile.


"You enjoyed that hug," you tease.

"I don't know what you're talking about,"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about!" You call after him, his figure disappearing with a shimmer of green.



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- Anna ❤️

What sorcery is this?!: Loki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now