Chapter 42 - Family

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"Mum, Dad! Come on!" Lydia whines.

"Quiet down, pumpkin, we are nearly there," Loki cuddled the girl, making sure her blindfold was still on. "A little while longer," Loki said as the car stopped, his hand leading his daughter out.

"Ok, you can open now,"

"Thank gods!" Lydia ripped the blindfold from her eyes, letting them adjust to the sun's glare.

There in front of her stood a Victorian style home with a modern twist. A little run down, a little messy out front but it was perfect. It's porch was covered with leaves beneath lay creaky wood but nothing a little trip to the hardware store couldn't fix.

Beyond the windows were antique lace curtains, sheer and cozy. Lydia ran up to the door and pushed it open, ignoring the long squeak that welcomed her. The green wallpaper and smell of old books intoxicated the girl.

Couches were covered in white sheets as plastic wrapped around different items left by previous owners. You and Loki smiled from the door, in each other's arms as Lydia ran up the stairs.

"I'm ok!" She assures after tripping over a stair. She pushed open each door, coughing at the dust until she reached the very last door which was perfect. It wasn't the master bedroom, of course she knew not to take that one, but this one was just as good.

A small fireplace against pastel yellow walls by the large window which looked out onto the street was a window sill bench, covered with plastic. Clambering on top, she pressed her hands against the cool glass.

"I take it you like it?" Lydia spun to you two.

"Like it? I love it!"

"Did you see the library?" Lydia nods as she climbed off and jumped into both your arms. "There's an extra room that will be our witchy room," you pinch the girls cheek as she snuggles in the crook of your neck.

"I can share with you?"

"I think you're old enough," Lydia frantically nods her head in agreement. "But there's one thing we need to make sure this house is,"

"We will fix it up, don't worry, darling,"

"Yes, I know... It's just..." You place Lydia down and tussle her hair. "I think we will also need to baby proof it,"

"I'm not a baby!" Lydia grumbles.

"I know, we need to baby proof it for Narfi and Vali," You run a hand over your stomach which makes both your husband and daughter gape.

"I'm- You're-"

"I'm going to be a big sister!" Lydia jumps in the air before attaching her face to you stomach. "I will protect you at all costs," She mumbles.

"Oh, Norns, I'm-"

"Don't pass out on me, Loki," You take the god's hand as he looked around in a daze. "Loki- Don't you dare-" A loud thud filled the room as a cloud of dust rose up around the god.

"I will protect you," Lydia continued to say into your belly.

"Oh, gods," You chuckle.


"Lydia! Stop Narfi from floating away!" Lydia looked around before grabbing Narfi by the foot, pulling down the squealing toddler back to the shaded part of the grass.

"Come on, Narf, you have to behave in front of the guests," Lydia scolds earning a raspberry blow to the face. "Gross,"

"He takes it from you," You scold Loki who rolls his eyes.

"He takes it from both of you," Nat grins as she sipped at her beer.

It had been nearly a decade, full of love and not a single regret. Lydia never failed to show her little brothers love, Loki never failed to show her that just because she was adopted doesn't mean he loved her any less.

That was why Loki was such a good father. He knew how it felt to be lied to, left out, to live in the shadow for being different.

Even though sometimes Lydia wouldn't believe that he loved her the same, one day she would realize, be told about her father's up bringing, how he knew what it was like.

Narfi and Vali even as toddlers caused chaos around the house. They learned to use magic early by themselves which was a hassle when one of them popped out of the crib at night or shattered some glass on command.

What else could you expect from the son's of a god and witch?

Each avenger had married... almost all. Bucky and Sam were still single alongside Pietro and Thor. Peter was dating MJ, Vision and Wanda had married, so had Cap. Surprise surprise, Nat and Bruce ended up together.

Because Nat can't conceive, they adopted an adorable boy called Noah, he was shy like Bruce and had the same red hair as Nat, you could hardly tell he was adopted.

Of course Tony and Pepper had been married for a long time, welcoming little Morgan into the world a few years ago. Clint and Laura were obviously a thing and well, their kids were so happy to finally have new friends when they met Morgan and your kids.

This was a family.

One big happy family you wouldn't trade the world for... But it does get lonely without Mama-

"Stop acting like I'm dead!" Your eyes snap up to Lydia.

"Did you hear something, sweetie?"

"Nope," Lydia quips slyly.

"You're lucky I'm in a wheel chair or I'd teach you a lesson!" Mama yells from her spot by the children.

Yup. This was your family.


*Cries in Asgardian*

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*Cries in Asgardian*

- Anna ❤️

What sorcery is this?!: Loki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now