Chapter 13 - Strange

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Let's do a little recap of the past week:

Tony created a new suit

Clint was thrown off the balcony

Peter had to save him

Cap couldn't lift his shield so had to use Bucky's knife

Thor got very sick which was a pain to deal with

Pietro chased the ice cream truck again

Wanda and Vision made the best dinner

There was an interview which cleared Loki's name

Bruce took up knitting- oh, you want to know about the interview?

Well, the public found out about Loki residing in the Tower and the media was in a frenzy. Fury demanded Tony to deal with it.

So dealt with it he did.

It was smooth, short and informative.

It actually seemed everyone understood and forgave Loki which was something no one expected, especially not the god himself.

Tony actually trusted Loki more after it, 'it' being him explaining the control he was under...

You could tell it was a hard topic for Loki.

Being the god of lies, he didn't show it for the rest but you saw the pain in his eyes. The fear that swirled around those emerald eyes like a dark cloud.

You spent the rest of that day with Loki, giving him tea and biscuits as you both read in silence.

His short thank you was well kept, nothing more than platonic but the kiss on the cheek he gave you just sent a spark through every nerve.

As for Tinder? Well, you taught Loki, though after a few dates he despised the app for its incapability to match him with someone like him. You actually found out he wasn't exactly straight, he was open to dating anyone of any gender identity and sexuality.

Though there was one funny moment where he matched with you. He merely played it off as a joke, texting a cheesy pick up line he had found.

But gods was it enticing.


"Kissing strangers!"


"Till I find someone I love!" You girls belt out the lyrics as the song continues. The boys all watched with confused faces as you used a whisk as a microphone, Wanda with a spatula and Nat with a fork.

Soon the song switched to something older.

"I- I love you like a love song baby!"

"And I keep hitting repeat-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat!" Flipping the last pancake on the stack, you and the girls finish the song, sitting down to enjoy breakfast.

"I'm feeling like Be mean by DNCE,"

"Kinky," you muse to Nat who sticks out her tongue. The song plays through with the others looking confused and concerned.

"If pains what you like!"

"Torture me all night!" You all sing making the boys scrunch up their faces.

"What is this?"

"Music, Stark, sorry, we don't listen to Old man music," Nat grins.

"Don't berate him, I think the only decent thing about him is his music,"

Turning to the new comer you smile Cheshire-like. "Strange!" You jump out your seat and sprint into the wizards arms. "Why are you here?"

"Can't I see my favourite witch?"

"You can, but usually there's an ulterior motive," you smirk knowingly.

"You may be right, but doesn't mean my main reason isn't to visit you,"

"I'm honoured that the great sorcerer supreme, Master of the mystic arts would dedicate his time to visit a little witch such as myself," you take a short curtsy making him chuckle. "So who are you here to talk to?"

"The Odinson's,"

"Loki, Thor, you're up,"

"It's actually Friggason," Loki sneers.

"Apologies, Dr Stephen Strange," he holds out a hand which Loki refuses. "Uhm... I'm just here to welcome you to earth officially and state that as the watcher for individuals and beings from other realms that may pose a threat to Earth, I'll be keeping an eye on you," Strange turns to you and smiles. "Though I'm sure Y/n here has been doing just fine keeping you under control,"

"Yes, sir!" You playfully salute as the cloak of levitation high fives you.

"Yes, well, I'm perfectly capable of not posing as a threat," the trickster's scowl bore deep into Stranges eyes which caused the wizard to chuckle.

"I see," suddenly a whiff of pancakes hits Stephen. "I smell pancakes..."

"Y/n's recipe!" You take the Doctor's hand and tug him towards the table.

"So a second rate magician has been granted the title of Sorcerer Supreme? Are Midgard standards so low?"

"Jealous," Thor coughs causing a knife to bury itself in his side. "Damn you, Loki!"

"Enchantress, it would seem my oaf of a brother is in need of medical attention," Loki smoothly slides up next to you and Strange who were chatting.

"You can't go five minutes without stabbing him can you?"

"It's one of my only flaws," he admits.

"Fine," you go to leave before turning to Strange. "We will discuss this later, I definitely know how you should ask her out,"

"I owe you big time, Y/n!"

"You don't owe me anything! I just want to see you and Christine happy!"

Loki's face drops. Strange was courting someone? So he wasn't flirting with Y/n, advancing on her in any way?

"Admit you're jealous yet?" Wanda whispers as she passes by.

"I am not!"

"You are!" The entire group including Strange sings.


Strange must always make an appearance!

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Strange must always make an appearance!

- Anna ❤️

What sorcery is this?!: Loki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now