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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

"Wake up. Please wake up. I just found you; I can't lose you so early."

Jungkook was incensed. The scene before him ignited a blazing fury within. It was 9 in the morning; he rose from his slumber and navigated to his laptop. The events of the previous night lingered in his thoughts, urging him to ascertain the younger man's condition. The reason eluded him, but a strange concern had taken hold.

He accessed the stored video recordings, specifically last night's footage from Taehyung's room. Swiftly forwarding through the remembered scenes, he halted at the point where he exited. The video commenced, with Jin and Jackson steadfastly watching over the still-unconscious Taehyung. Their presence contrasted sharply with his own departure.

His gaze fixated on the pale figure lying on the bed. Echoes of their conversation reverberated in his mind, causing his fists to clench involuntarily. Hastening the video, he skipped over Jin and Jackson's vigil, landing on the moment he believed to be the end. However...

The timestamp read 2 in the morning. "He hasn't stirred all night. Unbelievable. Is he genuinely this sensitive?" He muttered, addressing no one in particular. As he prepared to close the video, Jackson's words reached his ears, eliciting further indignation.

"Jackson!" His voice resounded, summoning Jackson. Breathing heavily, Jackson arrived, evidence of his sprint evident. "W-what? Calm down. Everyone's asleep," he managed between breaths.

"Everyone or just HIM?" Jungkook's rage was inexplicable, but his self-control waned. "Stay away from him. I didn't kidnap him to sate your desires," Jungkook declared, his grip tightening on Jackson's collar.

"What are you talking about, JK? And please, release me," Jackson feigned nonchalance, though he comprehended the implications. "Of course he knows. Cameras. How could I forget?" He scolded himself internally.

"Do you genuinely believe, Jackson, that I'm oblivious to this act?" Jungkook's arched eyebrow betrayed his skepticism. Jackson's head hung low; Jungkook's authority was unassailable. After all, he was the revered Allrounder for a reason. "Your excessive care and proximity to him isn't arbitrary. I recall your fascination with beauty. And he's a prized possession for you. Allow me to clarify for the first and last time: STAY AWAY FROM HIM," Jungkook's firm push signaled Jackson to leave, pointing to the exit.

Following his customary morning routine, Jungkook eventually approached Taehyung's room. The house was tranquil; only a handful of cooks and guards were active while the main members of the gang slumbered. Jungkook stood at a distance, the door to Taehyung's room creaking open slowly. He observed Jin exiting, subsequently making his way to the kitchen—a clear indication that Taehyung was awake.

As Jin's form vanished from sight, Jungkook entered the room. There, he found Taehyung still lying on the bed, gazing blankly at the ceiling. Jungkook advanced, moving silently. He leaned over the bed, his presence unmarked until the fragrance of his cologne reached Taehyung's senses.


"What on earth, Jimin?" Hobi stormed into the room to find Jimin engrossed in a phone call. "I expected you to be ready; I'm already 20 minutes behind schedule. Come on, man." Jimin's brow furrowed as he turned to face the disgruntled figure, who was nearly yelling.

"He's not answering my calls. I've been trying all morning," Jimin's tone held genuine concern. Since morning, he had been dialing Taehyung's number, only to be met with continuous ringing and no response.

"This is unprecedented. He always answers on the first ring. Something's amiss," Hobi grumbled, his irritation at Jimin's behavior evident. He stepped closer, taking hold of the phone and ending the call. "Enough. He's not a child. He can manage for a few more days, as can you. We'll be back there soon; then you can spend as much time with him as you want. For now, get ready—the ceremony has already begun."

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