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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻


It's been a week and Jungkook's wounds are quite healed. But Taehyung still check them up daily and change the bandage. Jungkook kind off loves it.

That pure love and worry on Taehyung's face, just for him looks lovely.

"Earth to you." Jimin interrupted him.

"Didn't Yoongi said he was taking you out on a date?" Jungkook turned his chair facing Jimin now.

"He did?" Jimin asked shocked. Yoongi met him just an hour ago yet he didn't talk about any such thing.

"Yeah, he was saying the need to take you out on a date, as he can see you miss him." Jungkook said and soon a cushion landed on his face.

"Keep it shut. Nonsense flows out of it whenever you open it." Jimin was pissed. Jungkook just made a very personal attack.

"What? Don't you miss going out on dates? Late night drives?"

"That's the last time I'm saying keep your mouth shut or else you'll soon have a black eye." Pissed Jimin is scary.

"God Jimin you are so....." and the treat was very much real. Before he can complete the sentence, a bulky punch collided with his cheek making his face jerk really hard.

"Now you'll understand." Jimin jerked his own hand up and down because it hit harder than he thought.

"Bitch that hurts." Jungkook slowly tapped his cheek as a pressure will hurt.

"It should, so you learn your lesson." Jimin took the seat.

"I'll fucking kill you." Jungkook stood up from chair but halted.

"I saw Taehyung crying...."

"Crying? Why was he crying?" He took the seat again. Jimin smirked.

"Kill you, my ass. Hearing his name makes you lose your senses." Jimin mocked and Jungkook was so ready to at least give him a punch but just like Jimin said he loses his senses, right then Taehyung came in with a tray.

"Your medicine." He placed the tray on the table. "What happened?" He looked at both of them as the room suddenly went silent.

"Oh nothing. We were just talking our feelings out." Jimin wiggled his eye brows looking at his brother who was lost watching Taehyung.

"Tae." Jimin almost yelled pulling Jungkook out of his trance.

"Yes?" Taehyung asked.

"Will you go out with me today?" He asked. There was this nasty look in Jimin's eyes.


"No." Jungkook and Taehyung said it together. Both looked at each other and then darted their eyes away.

"What the fuck? Why?" Jimin stood up and was almost over Jungkook's neck.

"He has other plans." Jungkook said looking at Taehyung who was confuse. Looking lost in Jungkook's eyes.

"Right?" He added slightly nodding and praying that Taehyung just get the situation and agree.

Taehyung looked in Jungkook's eyes and they held something so precious, Taehyung didn't know why Jungkook was lying but he just wanted to do as he asked.

"Y-Yes. I'm sorry Jimin, can we make a plan some other time. Anytime." He flashed his boxy smile making certain someone's heart restless.

"Yeah okay." Jimin smiled back and tuned to his brother glaring. "Bitch."

"What? I didn't do anything." Jungkook acted cute.

"Yeah so? I said Beach. You and I both are saints Kook." Jimin smirked and left the room patting his friend's shoulder who was still confuse.

"What just happened?" He asked after a while.

"Nothing. Your friend has gone crazy that's it nothing else." The other said, standing up.

"I think the bandage needs to get changed." He spoke. "It itched."

"Oh, I'm sorry I'll go get the first aid box, just don't scratch oaky. I'll be right back." Taehyung said and hurriedly walked out of the room.

"Just how cute can you be. God i just want to kiss him." Jungkook couldn't hold back his wild thoughts anymore. He sure wants to do a lot more than just a kiss.

Taehyung came back and Jungkook was still standing.

"Why are you standing. Lay down I'll change the bandage." He said placing the box on the table.

"You said stay right there.... So..."

"Like you listen to whatever you are told. Stop being a kid." Taehyung chuckled and dragged the stone body of Jungkook to the couch making him lay down.

"If you were my doctor, I would've done an accident every day." Jungkook said.

"If you were my patient, you wouldn't be alive till now." Taehyung fired back. He doesn't fear him anymore. That time was gone. He is not his tormentor anymore; he is his love.

Taehyung changed the bandage and help Jungkook stand up and take medicines. Jungkook cannot for once take his eyes off the petite boy.

"Taehyung." He called. He continued when he heard 'hmm' in reply.

"I'm sorry for stopping you go with Jimin.... Actually, i wanted to take you out today." He said nervously.

"REALLY?" Taehyung jumped up. "Sorry..... are you really going to take me with you?" Taehyung asked slowly.

"Come on." Jungkook extended his hand. Taehyung was quick to hold his hand. He won't do the mistake again. Letting him go like this is his own death now and he is selfish to live, with his love.

Jungkook took him by his hand and out of the mansion.

"Where are we going?" Taehyung asked confused.

"Just stay quiet and enjoy the ride." he said and started the car. Taehyung might have gone anywhere with Jungkook but this time it was different, it was more exciting than terrifying.

"So, it's a surprise or another shock?" Taehyung couldn't help but ask.

"Depends how you see the situation." Came the casual reply.

"Well, what's the situation here?" Taehyung inquired.

"You'll see love. Have patience." Taehyung was frozen to his place, just the word can hold his breath.

"O-okay." He said after a while, thinking it's wrong to not reply. Jungkook on the other hand was very amazed and had a very pleasing smirk on his lips.

"You okay?" He asked knowing exactly that the other is anything but okay.

"Y-yes. Why won't I?" Taehyung replied but that was a lie. He himself know how hard is it for him to hold his heart right now, it might burst out of his chest anytime now.

"Nothing. You just don't look okay." Jungkook completed.

"You're just seeing things, I'm okay." Taehyung gave a powerful answer.

"Getting shot took my sense too I think." He laughed.

"About that I'm sorry." He was taken aback by Taehyung's sudden apology.

"What are you sorry for?" He asked, frown decorating his face.

"If you weren't talking to me, you wouldn't have been shot. Indirectly got shot because of me." He replied.

"And you really believe that?" Jungkook questioned again.


"You know it isn't true. I got shot because I wasn't on my guard." He didn't want an argument but making it clear to Taehyung is also very important.

"And you let your guard down because of me." Taehyung replied.

"You clearly know I don't think like that." Jungkook tried again.

"Does it matter? You got hurt and I was the reason, I apologized as I can't do anything else. End of story." Taehyung also didn't want an argument.

"Well well well that not the end of story. You donated two bottles of blood for me, I'm in debt of you, stop being so high in standards that I can't reach you." Jungkook's voice sounded like whimper.

"You are a mafia leader....."

"This isn't a high rank in Army stop portraying it as a nicest job. The standards I'm talking about are different. They are good and I'm not a good person." This was going a different way. Taehyung fears that it might be a very bad ending.

"When are we reaching there." He quickly changed the subject. Jungkook looked at him for a while and then back to the road.

"Almost there." He replied.

"Okay." Taehyung was back to looking outside. Jungkook couldn't help but to thank the God that he met a person like him. It was a completely wrong way but still he gets to meet him.

Soon the car stopped. Taehyung looked at the board and then back at Jungkook.

"W-what are we doing here?" His voice cracked.

"You'll see." Jungkook hopped out of the car and walked up to Taehyung who seem like he saw a ghost.

"Come on." Jungkook tapped his shoulder. He can see the dread and many other emotions in Younger's eyes. "Relax, I'm not up to some nasty business."

"W-why C-Cemetery?" Taehyung asked again.

"Come out first." Jungkook asked and finally Taehyung came out of the car.

"I have a surprise." He said and Taehyung looked at him with unreadable expressions.

"H-Here?" He asked and Jungkook nodded.

"Y-you don't know but it's not a very comfortable place for me.....can we....."

"I know your mom is buried here, please give me a chance." Jungkook cut him off.


"Please." He felt defeated. He finally nodded in agreement. "Come on." Jungkook hooked his arm with Taehyung and started walking him to a specific area.

Taehyung finally teared up seeing they were walking to Nana's grave. It's been months he visited there. As long as he remembers he last visited before the party, before that horrifying party.

"Hey Mom." He whispered between his tears.

"H-Hi...... Auntie."

They both sat down beside the grave. Taehyung was trying his best not to break down but it's really important. After all what happened controlling your emotions in front of one person who love you the most is hard.

Jungkook has changed yes, but the memories are still there and it still hurts sometimes. Taehyung does his best to change but it seems like it's not working very well as the hurtful memories come back with a slightest push.

"I was 10. When I lost my parents." Taehyung was brought back to reality with trembling voice of Jungkook.

"Sorry?" Taehyung asked.

"I told you......about what your father did." He stopped maybe he too needs courage to speak about certain topic.

"I was always an obedient kid, always listened to mom, always helped papa. I was Mommy's boy. Papa used to tease me. We were so happy with our lives. I got 10 years of my life, with their love. I still believe those 10 years were the happiest. It became really hard after that to smile or be happy. After papa's death, I changed. I was quiet, scared and alone. Mommy also changed, she used to get scared easily, she became distant. I became more alone." Jungook always had a problem with past.

"It was dreadful night, heavy storm and rain, we were alone. That was our lucky day that Mr. Kim couldn't come because of the rain. Me and Mommy were sitting together in the living room, hugging each other because we both were scared." He breathed in hard and didn't release it quickly.

"She talked to me, many loving things, like the past times, she kissed me on the cheek, pulled me in a hug more tightly and then looked at me. She said 'stay strong and don't look back.' Before I can understand what, she said, she stood up. I was confused and wanted to ask." His eyes welled with tears.

"I ran behind her but she wasn't stopping. She just kept on running and then she stopped. Just imagine how horrifying it would be for a 10 year old boy to stand beside the pool in a heavy rain and storm along with a mom who is going to commit a suicide. She just jumped in, without even listening to me. It was like she turned deaf to my screams. I cried, begged her but her pain was so strong that death seamed last option to her. She jumped into the pool and closed it from upside. Before I can jump, she closed the lid and sealed the pool. "

"I was left out and believe me that was the worst feeling I ever had. For the first time I thought about what will I do in future. She kept trashing in the water and then she stilled, her body just floating on the water. Before someone came and helped her, she was dead. I lost my only parent. That night just didn't end there, Mr. Kim visited after that." He gritted his teeth.

"I was a crying mess, looking at him, I became scared. He already had beaten me quiet some times. He stood right in front of me and crouched down to my mother's dead body. He laughed right at her face. He gripped my chin and spatted at my face. His slap still hurts. He threw me out of my own house, in the middle of night. I was just in my night ware and was holding a photo frame. He kicked me out and closed the door. I kept standing there outside the door in the waiting that he will open the door but nothing. That was the first night when I saw how ruthless Busan is. It can beat the peace out of you." He wiped his tears and cleared his throat.

"That day I met Jimin. I was about to commit suicide just like Mommy did. I thought, it was easy. Jimin saved me and took me in. Since that day I had a new family." He smiled. For the first time in this whole time, he looked at Taehyung.

"I always thought you must have lived a happy life, enjoying all the luxuries, i was envious and angry. I wanted to make you pay for it. My rage was killing me for not hurting you and every time I wanted to be more ruthless. I'm so sorry Taehyung, I didn't know you have suffered more than I did. And all I did was adding the fuel to the fire." He cupped Taehyung's face who was quiet and crying along with him.

"I killed people, I robbed, I did everything you can count as a bad thing but I never felt guilty. For the first time in my life, I felt guilty and that alone is killing me. I can't......I can't apologize the way I tortured you. I know I don't deserve you, your kindness but I'm sorry. I know the simple sorry is not enough but can you give me a chance?" Taehyung was taken aback.

"Here in front of your mother I promise you that I will protect you always, I will be there for when you'll feel alone. I'll stay by your side through thick and thin. I promise you that your first step will be mine first and your problem will be mine. I will keep you behind me in tough times and will always be behind your back in your happiness. I'll protect you even if it costs me my life. Keeping your mother as witness I promise you to love you always and forever." He stopped and stepped back only to get on his knee.

"Kim Taehyung will you be my husband!!" A sob erupted from Taehyung's mouth and he covered his mouth with both hands squeezing it tightly.

"Will you be the reason for me to live!! Will you be my morning delight and night's shining star!! Will you grant me your time to love you till my last breath!!" Taehyung was overwhelmed by such warm words.

"Kim Taehyung will you marry me?" Jungkook presented the diamonds ring he bought.

Taehyung couldn't speak, he felt it difficult to even breath. These words and the way Jungkook put it was so special, it felt more special than his life.

"I'm sorry but I'm a bit heavy to stay on knee for this long." Jungkook said making Taehyung laugh. He crouched down holding Jungkook's hand and made him stand up.

"Please accept me." Jungkook connected their foreheads.

"Do I have a choice?" Taehyung asked in a weak voice.

"You can trust me, Taehyung." Jungkook assured him.

"Y-You are not pranking right?" Taehyung felt a fear that this might be some kind of joke and maybe Jungkook just wanted to tell him how weak is he.

"Taehyung I can never do that." Jungkook's voice held sincerity.

"I do."

"Pardon?" Jungkook asked confused.

"I accept you as my husband. I want to marry you." Taehyung finally said. He hugged Jungkook's arm as he felt his legs going weak and his voice slightly trembling. He had a fear that he will start crying.

He felt Jungkook's hand also tightening against his waist.

"I brought something for you." Jungkook said, still holding him securely in his arms. Taehyung looked at him.

"Another gift?" He asked eyes sparkling. It sounds greedy but Taehyung love this, Jungkook's gift and words warm his heart. It is what it is.

"Give me your hand." Jungkook said and Taehyung did. "Close your eyes please." Taehyung did.

He soft wrapped the bracelet around his wrist and looked at him. "Open your eyes."

Taehyung was amazed by such elegant gift. The bracelet was so finely made and it looked like it was perfectly made for Taehyung's wrist.

"That's really mine?" Apart from its beauty it looked expensive. Taehyung felt something warm filling his heart when Jungkook nodded.

"It doesn't justify your beauty but yes that's for you." He replied. Another cheesy line but it still makes Taehyung's heart jump.

"I love you." These words came out a bit unmeasured and sudden. Taehyung's own eyes widened on what he just said.

"I love you more." Came Jungkook's reply and right there they shared their first kiss.

"I love you, my husband." Jungkook stated and crashed their lips again.

Hello Army 💜💜

I hope you like this chapter. Do let me know..

I purple you 💜💜

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