Ships in the Night

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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻


Taehyung longed forward but he was late. The other's head already hit the ground and his hands rested on the both sides as he laid there with his back in the air.

Taehyung was quick to move but he felt fear raising in his pit as he held Jungkook's hand.

His body was cold, freezing cold with face covered in sweat and lips becoming purple.

A sudden wave of panic hit Taehyung. He didn't know what to do. According to him his voice was quite loud that anyone, even everyone would have heard him, but then again no body came that means he was not loud enough.

With all his energy he pushed Jungkook and made him face him. He rubbed his hand while chanting his name continuously but his body was still cold as ice.

Taehyung didn't know what to do so he just did what he saw in the movies as always. He bent down and pinched older's nose and parted his lips.

With that he crashed his lips with Jungkook's and tried to fill his lungs with the air. According to him this must have happened because of suffocating environment but little did he knew.

He tried to do it two or three times but Jungkook was still there still lifeless. Taehyung didn't knew when he started crying .

He just shouted once again, with the thought that maybe just may be someone will hear him.

Just like the event of past he didn't feel right to leave older here alone. There has always been a fear that he might flew away if he left him. Strange but still fearful.

"CHIM...... YOONGI.... JACKSON....... NAMJOON HYUNG..... CHIMMMM" Taehyung cried out but no one came. Taehyung tried to pull Jungkook up so that he can carry him on his back and take him to the living room.

But as he tried it seemed nearly impossible to lift him. He can't. He is too weak for that. He still tried and just then the door creaked.

Taehyung quickly looked and his hands started to shake. The person that was standing there was not looking at him but at Jungkook and for some reason Taehyung felt that history might repeat itself.

"JK...... Sirr...." the person came running and crouched down to the body. He lifted his head and looked at Taehyung.

"I-i-i...... I didn't d-do..... I didn't do anything....... h-he he j-just...."

"It's okay Taehyung. Let's just take him upstairs....."

Taehyung looked at the person still fear lingering in his eyes.

"I promise I didn't do anything. He just....."

"Taehyung sir..... masters don't give justifications to their slave." The person said and Taehyung can swear that this person can not be Kai.

He knew Kai. He is a lair, tormentor, ruthless....... anything but kind. He still remember when he saw him at the training grounds. If Jungkook wouldn't have been there, he would have taken Taehyung that day. Taehyung have seen that urge in his eyes.

"I-I'm no m-master." Taehyung said as he saw how easily Kai has carried unconscious Jungkook over his back.

"You are the love of JK........ You are our Master. I've considered you a master by all my heart sir." Taehyung can swear that this 'sir' word is not ment for him.


"He'll be okay. He has dodged the death so many times.... he won't loose to it's tricks. Not after he juat got you." Taehyung felt his face heating up. Everyone in the house knows.

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